We have translated and subtitled a fast-paced, entertaining TV segment, put together by the German news show “Galileo,” and featuring an interview with Randolph Hencken (View on YouTube). We think our supporters will find the piece enlightening, both in terms of the history of the law of the seas (pop quiz: in what year did piracy become illegal?), as well as the modern framework, current events, and of course, the Institute’s latest strategy for making seasteading a reality.
Randy was given the opportunity to talk about our new geopolitical strategy, which prioritizes getting an agreement with a “host nation.” This will allow the seastead to locate within protected waters rather than fly under an open registry flag on the harsh high seas. It will also offer protection and a stable place under the law, to foster innovation in governance and new technology, until humanity is ready to make the next leap to the open ocean. We were grateful for the opportunity to bring our mission to a large new audience in Germany, and hope the segment translate into broader international interest for the Floating City Project.
Wo ist die Übersetzung?
Where is the translation?
Jeff, it looks like you have to click the “CC” button to see the translation.
Just to point out, their closing argument that security on the high seas is determined by whoever has the biggest guns isn’t really true: The Russians didn’t board a friendly, nonthreatening vessel, they boarded a vessel which was supporting an attempted invasion of one of their own vessels.
Leaving aside moral arguments against the rightness/wrongness of Greanpeace vs, the Russian Military’s actions, what they did was substantially different to setting up a peaceful community in the middle of the ocean.