Halfway There!

Thank you to our generous donors who have helped us reach 51% of our fundraising goal for 2025!

We are raising money to fund our quest for a maritime flag. We have a five-year plan to create a Classification Society to ensure that seasteads are safe and recognized by the family of nations. 

A maritime flag offers government protection without government control. It’s a glorious legal hack.

Reputable flagging registries will not flag a vessel that has not been classified in a vessel category. We are working with flagging registries so that they will recognize seastead vessels by creating a maritime flag to protect seasteads from both state aggression and pirates.

Help us reach our goal. We’re already halfway there! Every dollar counts. You can sign up to donate $5 per month, one whole Bitcoin, or anything in between. Let us know you want your donation to go toward our quest for a maritime flag and we’ll see you on the sea.
