Celebrating 6th Annual XLII Day!
On February 2 2019, the first seastead in international waters was established off the coast of Thailand. It was called XLII by Chad and Nadia who lived on board. A… Read More »Celebrating 6th Annual XLII Day!
On February 2 2019, the first seastead in international waters was established off the coast of Thailand. It was called XLII by Chad and Nadia who lived on board. A… Read More »Celebrating 6th Annual XLII Day!
Samuele Landi lived in international waters for over a year. A storm ended in three deaths. What does this mean for seasteading?
It’s incredible to think that it has been three years since the first seastead was established in international waters, at an equally incredible cost of $150,000. Three years since that… Read More »Happy XLII Anniversary + Book Coming
The epic story of the First Seasteaders has closed one chapter and opened a new one. The roadblocks encountered by our friends at Ocean Builders have strengthened our conviction that… Read More »How the Grinch Stole the Cruise Ship
Update: “How the Grinch Stole the Cruise Ship” When you think of 2020, I want you to think of the number of people the first Crypto Cruise Ship can accommodate.… Read More »Announcing the Crypto Cruise Ship
What did Chad and Nadia do wrong? In Episode 8, rogue admirals in the Royal Thai Navy submit a long list of alleged crimes to the media, while Chad and… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 8: “Today is D-Day for The Thai Navy”
What could be worse for Chad and Nadia than being chased by the Thai navy and police? When Malaysia denies them entry and joins the hunt. A terrifying encounter while… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 7: Spotted, Chased by a Helicopter
In episode 6, Chad and Nadia inspire many entrepreneurs to build a community of businesses to support the first seastead. Nobody imagined the Thai navy would charge them with a… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 6: Fleeing The Death Threat
Sometimes people from the Navy and from oil rigs in the North Sea say Seasteaders are naïve. But environments on the sea are as diverse as environments on land. Just as the continents feature the Himalayas and the Sahara, the oceans feature the North Sea and the tropics.
The dawn of the age of Seasteading began on February 2, 2019, when Ocean Builders achieved an engineering feat and an environmental feat. First they proved a single-family seastead can float stably in international waters for less than the cost of the average American home.