As an innovation marketing professional with experience in developing startups in emerging industries, including blockchain and legaltech, Aldo is a true believer that technology and freedom are the solutions to every problem. His passion for liberty and skills as a connector have taken him to create and bring together blockchain-oriented communities and organize several meetups and conferences in Panama. Aldo co-founded the Panama Digital Blockchain Chamber of Commerce (CCDB), he’s an active member of the Caribbean Blockchain Alliance (CBA) and the Central American Cryptocurrency Users Association (ACUCRIP). He is also an Ambassador to the Zen Blockchain Foundation, a blockchain technology partner of The Seasteading Institute. A devoted #SeaVangelist, Aldo is key to expanding Seasteading regionally and beyond.
In 2019, Aldo played an instrumental role in helping the Seasteading Institute meet with Panamanian government authorities at the highest level, opening the pathways for the Central American country to become the hotspot of the age of Seasteading.