Two seastead prototypes have been launched on either side of the world this year by our Active Project Partners ArkPad and Ocean Builders.
In Panama, Ocean Builders launched their Alpha Deep model, a floating home designed for higher waves outside territorial waters. The Alpha Deep hosted a helicopter on its roof back in August, displaying its stability. It also has an underwater room, unique among seastead designs.
In the Philippines, ArkPad launched their ArkPad-C model, a modular floating home intended to support a fish farm.
Both of these companies were inspired by The Seasteading Institute. Now we need to encourage the maritime industry to recognize Seasteads as legal vessels. Join our quest for a maritime flag, it will take $473,150 to develop the project for the first year. If you want to fast-track seasteads rolling off the assembly line, getting insured and flagged, support our plan for the first Seastead Classification Society to specialize in seasteads and keep the process cheap.
A few generous donors have pledged to fund one-third of the first year’s costs, so we need you to help us reach our goal. Every dollar counts!

Donate here to support making seasteads legal in all oceans.