How did Randy Hencken pull this off?
“I’m sponsored to speak at the World Blockchain Festival in Tokyo,” he said.
“Great,” I said.
“A bunch of tech people,” he said. But for some odd reason I thought I heard him whistling the tune “Make It Happen” by Mariah Carey.
“Have fun,” I said.
I imagined 30 people. Next thing I know NuMundo posts a cell phone video of Randy speaking before an audience they claim numbered ~13,000. Randy estimates it was really ~half that. Whatever. It’s thousands of Mariah Carey fans and blockchain enthusiasts. The video opens with a pan of the stadium. Randy is introduced at 3:00. He kills it.

Randy watches Mariah Carey attempt to follow him. The bad news is Mariah Carey didn’t talk about seasteading.
The good news is Randy didn’t sing.
Just in case you think this is a prank, here’s the schedule:

Six years seavangelizing and Randy pulls this off. I’m not jealous, but seriously though …