Two years of Seasteading Progress with Joe Quirk
Joe Quirk discusses progress in the seasteading movement in season 2, episode 1 of the Seasteading Today podcast.
Joe Quirk discusses progress in the seasteading movement in season 2, episode 1 of the Seasteading Today podcast.
The dawn of the age of Seasteading began on February 2, 2019, when Ocean Builders achieved an engineering feat and an environmental feat. First they proved a single-family seastead can float stably in international waters for less than the cost of the average American home.
Seasteaders Offer to Help Thailand With Rising Sea Levels San Francisco, April 22, 2019 — The chairman of the Seasteading Institute ( Patri Friedman, urged compassion for a couple whose… Read More »Floating Islands Leader Urges Leniency for Offshore Couple
In 1971, four years after he designed a floating city, Buckminster Fuller wrote: “Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we’ve… Read More »Seasteading! What About Pollution?
The hits keep coming for our seasteaders, Chad and Nadia, as they work to lift the platform on to the spar. In Episode 3: Lifting the Stead, carefully made plans… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 3: Lifting the Stead
Making history is not always smooth sailing for The First Seasteaders, Chad and Nadia. In Episode 2: Raising the Spar, they face the challenges of towing out a 20-meter-long spar… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 2: Raising the Spar
The first single-family affordable seastead is floating in international waters, and it’s time to start learning from the new Masters. Chad, Nadia and Rudy are eager to teach you the basic skills to seastead in their neighborhood, like sailing, diving, and tying knots.
At the beginning of 2019, determined volunteers launched the first single-family seastead into international waters. Facing many obstacles, including the biggest storm to hit Thailand in nearly 60 years, these… Read More »THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 1: Facing the Storm
Dear Friends of The Seasteading Institute, Those of us who attended The Seasteading Conference 2012 can practically taste the refreshing salty air that will one day surround our homes. The… Read More »The Seasteading Institute June 2012 Newsletter
Seasteading enthusiasts will immediately recognize the colorful computer rendering of a floating platform on the cover of the December issue of The Economist’s Technology Quarterly.