Manifest Destiny is the Enduring Antidote to Bureaucracy
The Stanford Review
Garret Malloy and Elsa Johnson
“This is embodied in Silicon Valley’s push to build new cities. It isn’t just a business trend—it’s the latest expression of frontierism. With Starbase in the wilds of Boca Chica, Prospéra in Honduras, the envisioned city of Praxis, and the Seasteading Institute, the Valley’s builders are doing exactly what their pioneer ancestors did before them: fleeing stagnation to build something new.”
“This is embodied in Silicon Valley’s push to build new cities. It isn’t just a business trend—it’s the latest expression of frontierism. With Starbase in the wilds of Boca Chica, Prospéra in Honduras, the envisioned city of Praxis, and the Seasteading Institute, the Valley’s builders are doing exactly what their pioneer ancestors did before them: fleeing stagnation to build something new.”
Trumpists want to make the Presidio a Chinese-style supercity. It’s even nuttier than it sounds
The San Francisco Standard
Leighton Woodhouse
Where Diplomacy Meets Oddity: The Strangest Embassy Locations
GeopoliticsUnplugged Substack
Justin James McShane
“Additionally, the notion of “sea-steading” — creating permanent living structures at sea — has been proposed by groups like the Seasteading Institute, which could theoretically host diplomatic missions. However, the legal and practical challenges are vast, including issues of jurisdiction, security, and the recognition of such entities by other states, making this a largely theoretical exercise in political and architectural innovation.”
“Additionally, the notion of “sea-steading” — creating permanent living structures at sea — has been proposed by groups like the Seasteading Institute, which could theoretically host diplomatic missions. However, the legal and practical challenges are vast, including issues of jurisdiction, security, and the recognition of such entities by other states, making this a largely theoretical exercise in political and architectural innovation.”
Six cities of the future today's billionaires want to build
Love Exploring
Danielle McAdam
“Tech billionaire Peter Thiel is the investor and founder behind The Seasteading Institute, established in 2008. The nonprofit organisation advocates for the development of floating cities in the ocean.”
“Tech billionaire Peter Thiel is the investor and founder behind The Seasteading Institute, established in 2008. The nonprofit organisation advocates for the development of floating cities in the ocean.”
de qué se trata la nueva utopía libertaria que busca redefinir el concepto de país
Info Bae
Maximiliano Fernández
“El movimiento “seasteading” pretende construir comunidades flotantes que no se rijan por las leyes de ningún Estado y determinen su propia forma de gobernanza.”
“El movimiento “seasteading” pretende construir comunidades flotantes que no se rijan por las leyes de ningún Estado y determinen su propia forma de gobernanza.”
How a Businessman Fleeing Fraud Charges Built a Life Offshore
New York Times
Atossa Araxia Abrahamian
“Around midday on Feb. 2, a large wave began its slow rumble toward the Aisland 1, an 800-ton deck barge floating in the waters between Dubai and Iran. On board the vessel were its residents of more than a year: a 58-year-old Italian businessman named Samuele Landi, three sailors, a cook and five cats.”
“Around midday on Feb. 2, a large wave began its slow rumble toward the Aisland 1, an 800-ton deck barge floating in the waters between Dubai and Iran. On board the vessel were its residents of more than a year: a 58-year-old Italian businessman named Samuele Landi, three sailors, a cook and five cats.”
Man Sets World Record For Longest Stay In Underwater Home To Prove Concept Of Ocean Living
Bored Panda
Renan Duarte
“Yesterday (Sunday, January 5), Rüdiger Koch set a new world record for the longest continuous stay below the water in an underwater room.”
“Yesterday (Sunday, January 5), Rüdiger Koch set a new world record for the longest continuous stay below the water in an underwater room.”
Why Is the Right Obsessed With Epic Poetry?
The Nation
Orlando Reade
“In recent years, Thiel has withdrawn support for the Seasteading Institute, which has failed to settle any humans on the ungovernable ocean.”
“In recent years, Thiel has withdrawn support for the Seasteading Institute, which has failed to settle any humans on the ungovernable ocean.”
Is Seasteading Still Set to Be The Future of Living?
Introducer Today
Introducer Today
“Seasteading could be the Bitcoin of the housing market, the next big thing set to shake things up and ripe for investment.”
“Seasteading could be the Bitcoin of the housing market, the next big thing set to shake things up and ripe for investment.”
Clearly It Is Ocean
The Baffler
Madeleine Watts
“The seasteaders’ fantasy lies in establishing autonomous communities in the middle of the ocean, free of government oversight or regulation. It is the “move fast and break things” approach to governance.”
“The seasteaders’ fantasy lies in establishing autonomous communities in the middle of the ocean, free of government oversight or regulation. It is the “move fast and break things” approach to governance.”
Peter Thiel, eccentric billionaire patron of JD Vance, says he is thinking about leaving the US
Yahoo News
Graig Graziosi
“So, left without a floating city of his own creation, Thiel must now choose any other point on the planet to call home.”
“So, left without a floating city of his own creation, Thiel must now choose any other point on the planet to call home.”
Stead: Revolutionizing Floating Infrastructure with Decentralized Funding
Coin Trust
Kelly Cromley
“The Stead platform boasts several key features that make it a groundbreaking initiative in the realm of decentralized finance and floating infrastructure.”
“The Stead platform boasts several key features that make it a groundbreaking initiative in the realm of decentralized finance and floating infrastructure.”
Stead - Blockchain Powered Floating Cities of the Future
Press Release
“Stead allows the decentralized crowdfunding of floating assets which serve to collateralize the token, providing real world returns and mitigating risk to token holders, while using the profits of those floating assets to buy back and burn outstanding tokens, leading to a net deflationary token model, all backed by profitable real world assets.”
“Stead allows the decentralized crowdfunding of floating assets which serve to collateralize the token, providing real world returns and mitigating risk to token holders, while using the profits of those floating assets to buy back and burn outstanding tokens, leading to a net deflationary token model, all backed by profitable real world assets.”
Dystopian Nightmares
The Statesman
Ash Narain Roy
“Patri Friedman received funds from Peter Thiel to establish the Seasteading Institute in San Francisco. A libertarian group is dedicated to building independent floating cities on the high seas. Heartless technooligarchy is clearly their goal.”
“Patri Friedman received funds from Peter Thiel to establish the Seasteading Institute in San Francisco. A libertarian group is dedicated to building independent floating cities on the high seas. Heartless technooligarchy is clearly their goal.”
Chasing Utopia, Startup Style
Noema Magazine
Lily Lynch
“A group of Silicon Valley’s most powerful figures are building startup societies that they believe will set them free.”
“A group of Silicon Valley’s most powerful figures are building startup societies that they believe will set them free.”
Are Floating Cities the Solution to Rising Seas?
New York Times
Stephen Treffinger
“Strictly defined, floating communities already exist in the Netherlands, Thailand and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. But these are typically clusters of houseboats moored close to one another. What sets the new concepts apart is a matter of scale. Rather than comprising an agglomeration of smaller vessels, each of these cities is designed to be built on enormous concrete platforms suspended on the water.”
“Strictly defined, floating communities already exist in the Netherlands, Thailand and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. But these are typically clusters of houseboats moored close to one another. What sets the new concepts apart is a matter of scale. Rather than comprising an agglomeration of smaller vessels, each of these cities is designed to be built on enormous concrete platforms suspended on the water.”
Law Professor Creates Niche in Special Jurisdictions
Chapman News
Joy Juedes
‘If “special jurisdictions” doesn’t ring a bell, even most law professors aren’t familiar with them, Bell says. He uses the term as a blanket definition for areas including special economic zones (SEZs) and foreign trade zones, places in which laws are different from the rest of the country.’
‘If “special jurisdictions” doesn’t ring a bell, even most law professors aren’t familiar with them, Bell says. He uses the term as a blanket definition for areas including special economic zones (SEZs) and foreign trade zones, places in which laws are different from the rest of the country.’
Lake Erie island stadium concept floated
NEOtrans blog
Ken Prendergast
“Unlike other stadium proposals for Cleveland whose costs would be split 50/50 private/public, this plan’s $10 billion cost would be paid 25 percent by the private sector and 75 percent by taxpayers. But the island and its stadium would be authorized and funded mostly by federal dollars resulting from last year’s legislative rider to a bill appropriating funds to an updated study on the mating habits of the Tsetse Fly.” — this article was posted on April Fools’ Day.
“Unlike other stadium proposals for Cleveland whose costs would be split 50/50 private/public, this plan’s $10 billion cost would be paid 25 percent by the private sector and 75 percent by taxpayers. But the island and its stadium would be authorized and funded mostly by federal dollars resulting from last year’s legislative rider to a bill appropriating funds to an updated study on the mating habits of the Tsetse Fly.” — this article was posted on April Fools’ Day.
Are the oceans the new land for the pursuit of happiness?
Future of the Ocean
“Futureoftheocean interview with Carly Jackson or How a Texan woman dreams of oceans as lands of freedom”
“Futureoftheocean interview with Carly Jackson or How a Texan woman dreams of oceans as lands of freedom”
مدن عائمة.. أغرب تقاليع الاستثمار الغربية
وقد أمضى معهد Seasteading، المدعوم في البداية باستثمار من Thiel، 15 عامًا في البحث عن
وقد أمضى معهد Seasteading، المدعوم في البداية باستثمار من Thiel، 15 عامًا في البحث عن
Joe Quirk (The Seasteading Institute) | Morgan Meets the Eye Ep. 19
Morgan Meets the Eye Podcast
Evan Morgan
“The president of the Seasteading Institute, Joe Quirk, joins the show to explain how seasteads work, how they can save the environment, and why seasteading is the cure to big government.”
“The president of the Seasteading Institute, Joe Quirk, joins the show to explain how seasteads work, how they can save the environment, and why seasteading is the cure to big government.”
'The dawn of the aquatic age has begun'! Silicon Valley billionaires investing in floating cities in international waters where they can avoid regulations and taxes
Daily Mail
Rob Waugh
“Wealthy investors including Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel have planned to launch ‘floating cities’ where they will be exempt from the laws that govern nations in the world, and potentially safe from disasters engulfing land-dwellers.”
“Wealthy investors including Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel have planned to launch ‘floating cities’ where they will be exempt from the laws that govern nations in the world, and potentially safe from disasters engulfing land-dwellers.”
“The dawn of the water age has begun”! Silicon Valley billionaires are investing in floating cities in international waters where they can avoid regulations and taxes
World Time Todays
Drew Weisholtz
“The Seasteading Institute, initially supported by an investment from Thiel, has spent 15 years exploring the idea of permanent floating communities living free of regulation in international waters.”
“The Seasteading Institute, initially supported by an investment from Thiel, has spent 15 years exploring the idea of permanent floating communities living free of regulation in international waters.”
Seven incredible cities billionaires plan to build
Danielle McAdam
“Concept art by Arktide (shown) features a small floating home equipped with solar panels for power. Could this startup be the first step towards creating fully realised floating cities, aligning with the vision of The Seasteading Institute?”
“Concept art by Arktide (shown) features a small floating home equipped with solar panels for power. Could this startup be the first step towards creating fully realised floating cities, aligning with the vision of The Seasteading Institute?”
The New VC Idea That Surely Won’t Backfire: Colonies of Tech Bros
Daily Beast
Emily Shugarman
“A gleaming, futuristic, tech-bro utopia in the Mediterranean. A crypto paradise on a small, rural island in Honduras. A virtual startup hub in Nigeria, where entrepreneurs can gather and start businesses—tax free.”
“A gleaming, futuristic, tech-bro utopia in the Mediterranean. A crypto paradise on a small, rural island in Honduras. A virtual startup hub in Nigeria, where entrepreneurs can gather and start businesses—tax free.”
Le Bhoutan va développer sa propre « charter city » en s’inspirant d’une proposition d’un entrepreneur sud-africain
“Patri Friedman a confirmé à Forbes qu’en 2020, il avait rencontré à distance le ministre des Affaires économiques du Bhoutan pour discuter de Yung Drung City. Les associés de Yung Drung City ont continué à communiquer avec les fonctionnaires bhoutanais tout au long de l’année 2022, a déclaré une source proche de la startup.”
“Patri Friedman a confirmé à Forbes qu’en 2020, il avait rencontré à distance le ministre des Affaires économiques du Bhoutan pour discuter de Yung Drung City. Les associés de Yung Drung City ont continué à communiquer avec les fonctionnaires bhoutanais tout au long de l’année 2022, a déclaré une source proche de la startup.”
Tech Billionaires Need to Stop Trying to Make the Science Fiction They Grew Up on Real
Scientific American
Charles Stross
“Billionaires who grew up reading science-fiction classics published 30 to 50 years ago are affecting our life today in almost too many ways to list: Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars. Jeff Bezos prefers 1970s plans for giant orbital habitats. Peter Thiel is funding research into artificial intelligence, life extension and “seasteading.” Mark Zuckerberg has blown $10 billion trying to create the Metaverse from Neal Stephenson’s novel Snow Crash.”
“Billionaires who grew up reading science-fiction classics published 30 to 50 years ago are affecting our life today in almost too many ways to list: Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars. Jeff Bezos prefers 1970s plans for giant orbital habitats. Peter Thiel is funding research into artificial intelligence, life extension and “seasteading.” Mark Zuckerberg has blown $10 billion trying to create the Metaverse from Neal Stephenson’s novel Snow Crash.”
An Independent AI Nation in the Sea to Bypass Regulations — Or So We Were Told
Claudio Buttice
“In simpler terms, yes, this is all a giant piece of fake news, taken at face value by many news websites and presumably their readers.”
“In simpler terms, yes, this is all a giant piece of fake news, taken at face value by many news websites and presumably their readers.”
BlueSea Frontier: the anarchist AI island is a crazy hoax
Free Technologia
Giuseppe Croce
“Even the name BlueSea Frontier Compute Cluster remembers very much that of Blue Frontiers, a project for the construction of some artificial islands completely free from any conditioning, within which you pay in cryptocurrencies, which should have arisen in the sea of French Polynesia.”
“Even the name BlueSea Frontier Compute Cluster remembers very much that of Blue Frontiers, a project for the construction of some artificial islands completely free from any conditioning, within which you pay in cryptocurrencies, which should have arisen in the sea of French Polynesia.”
L’île indépendante de l’IA est une blague
Romandie Guide
Reina Escargcega
“Même le nom Cluster de calcul BlueSea Frontier très évocateur Bordures bleuesun projet de construction d’îles artificielles totalement gratuites, payantes en crypto-monnaies, qui auraient été créées dans la mer de Polynésie française.”
“Même le nom Cluster de calcul BlueSea Frontier très évocateur Bordures bleuesun projet de construction d’îles artificielles totalement gratuites, payantes en crypto-monnaies, qui auraient été créées dans la mer de Polynésie française.”
How To Rule Your Own Country: Inside The Outrageous World Of Micronations
Jim Dobson
“The Seasteading Institute has been focused on these ideas of building habitable structures in the high seas. Could they become sovereign enclaves? I suppose.”
“The Seasteading Institute has been focused on these ideas of building habitable structures in the high seas. Could they become sovereign enclaves? I suppose.”
Seasteading: The Movement, History, and Perspectives
Free Cities Foundation
Vera Kichanova
“In human imagination, the sea has always remained a symbol of freedom and independence — a sentiment with deep roots in both history and psychology. It was precisely that desire for freedom coupled with technological optimism that gave rise to the seasteading movement.”
“In human imagination, the sea has always remained a symbol of freedom and independence — a sentiment with deep roots in both history and psychology. It was precisely that desire for freedom coupled with technological optimism that gave rise to the seasteading movement.”
Peter Thiel has launched a class war
Oliver Bateman
“Consider his previous support for the Seasteading Institute, another initiative aimed at developing floating cities in international waters — sanctuaries free from the constraints of traditional governance.”
“Consider his previous support for the Seasteading Institute, another initiative aimed at developing floating cities in international waters — sanctuaries free from the constraints of traditional governance.”
A Peter Thiel-Linked Startup Is Courting New York Scenesters and Plotting a Libertarian Paradise
Mother Jones
Ali Breland
“Brown had been captivated by seasteading as a teen, and, in 2019, he and Callinan, who had worked together at an investment advisory firm, visited Africa to explore the idea of building a city.”
“Brown had been captivated by seasteading as a teen, and, in 2019, he and Callinan, who had worked together at an investment advisory firm, visited Africa to explore the idea of building a city.”
Big Tech Billionaires’ Utopian Dreams Are Actually Dystopian Nightmares
Daily Beast
Matt Lewis
According to the Seasteading Institute, these “floating cities” provide an “open space for experimenting with new societies.”
According to the Seasteading Institute, these “floating cities” provide an “open space for experimenting with new societies.”
Tech elites are so fed up with San Francisco, they’ve already invested nearly $1 billion to build their very own city
Irina Ivanova
“[T]he institute’s current pipeline of ideas includes floating hotels, a series of government-free interconnected islands, and “the first human designed, oceangoing city-state,” which it promises to create within a decade.”
“[T]he institute’s current pipeline of ideas includes floating hotels, a series of government-free interconnected islands, and “the first human designed, oceangoing city-state,” which it promises to create within a decade.”
San Francisco billionaires have been snatching up land in California in a bid to build a new city. They aren't the first of the super rich who have attempted to build utopias.
Grace Kay
“Thiel left the Seasteading Institute’s board in 2011, but to this day, the Seasteading Institute continues to promote the idea on its website.”
“Thiel left the Seasteading Institute’s board in 2011, but to this day, the Seasteading Institute continues to promote the idea on its website.”
The Hubris of Plutocrats: They Can’t Escape the Heat That’s Coming
Stan Cox
“Descending from the Mountain West to sea level, we find an even more outlandish prepping scheme for the rich: the libertarian “seasteading” movement”
“Descending from the Mountain West to sea level, we find an even more outlandish prepping scheme for the rich: the libertarian “seasteading” movement”
Housing and Immigration
Scott Sumner
“Some libertarians advocate creating a free market paradise in a place beyond the reach of government regulation, such as a “seasteading” platform.”
“Some libertarians advocate creating a free market paradise in a place beyond the reach of government regulation, such as a “seasteading” platform.”
Seasteading's Fatal Contradiction
Edifice Substack
Jesse Chase-Lubitz
“The question is less about whether seasteading can be ecologically beneficial — or at the very least, neutral — but whether or not its champions are willing to put the rules in place to make sure it will be.”
“The question is less about whether seasteading can be ecologically beneficial — or at the very least, neutral — but whether or not its champions are willing to put the rules in place to make sure it will be.”
Is Peter Thiel’s inner circle behind the Satoshi Nakamoto pseudonym?
Protos staff
“Beyond their disdain for the US banking system, Srinivasan and Thiel could have bonded over mutual interests like seasteading.”
“Beyond their disdain for the US banking system, Srinivasan and Thiel could have bonded over mutual interests like seasteading.”
These buoyant seabricks enable construction on water
Interesting Engineering
Ameya Paleja
“Seabricks could give individuals the autonomy to build their structures at sea and join communities of like-minded people by simply moving their floating assets to a new group.”
“Seabricks could give individuals the autonomy to build their structures at sea and join communities of like-minded people by simply moving their floating assets to a new group.”
Why are crypto fans obsessed with micronations and seasteading?
Coin Telegraph
Jillian Godsil
“Development director Carly Jackson tells Magazine she is currently aware of 12 seasteading projects in various stages of development (see the full list here), of which the leading ones are Arktide, Atlas Island, Atlantis Sea Colony and Freedom Haven.”
“Development director Carly Jackson tells Magazine she is currently aware of 12 seasteading projects in various stages of development (see the full list here), of which the leading ones are Arktide, Atlas Island, Atlantis Sea Colony and Freedom Haven.”
Floating Cities of the Past and Future
Arch Daily
Ankitha Gattupalli
“According to the standard civilization narrative, the first human settlements flourished in the vicinity of water bodies – rivers, lakes, wetlands, and seas. Nomads required water for drinking and hunting, and agricultural communities for farming as well. “
“According to the standard civilization narrative, the first human settlements flourished in the vicinity of water bodies – rivers, lakes, wetlands, and seas. Nomads required water for drinking and hunting, and agricultural communities for farming as well. “
Escape Therapy: On Douglas Rushkoff’s “Survival of the Richest”
Los Angeles Review of Books
Raymond Craib
“Democracy is a thorn in the side of Promethean world-builders, from the neoliberal ideologues battling the New Deal in the postwar era to the contemporary seasteaders and advocates of charter cities, from Rand and Friedman to Thiel and Musk.”
“Democracy is a thorn in the side of Promethean world-builders, from the neoliberal ideologues battling the New Deal in the postwar era to the contemporary seasteaders and advocates of charter cities, from Rand and Friedman to Thiel and Musk.”
How to create a city
Financial Times
David Pilling
“Among the backers are Patri Friedman, Milton Friedman’s grandson, a libertarian whose Pronomos Capital is dedicated to establishing “charter cities”, new jurisdictions on empty land with their own legal frameworks and governance systems.”
“Among the backers are Patri Friedman, Milton Friedman’s grandson, a libertarian whose Pronomos Capital is dedicated to establishing “charter cities”, new jurisdictions on empty land with their own legal frameworks and governance systems.”
Harper's Magazine
Hari Kunzru
“The final flourishing of what one might think of as spatial libertarianism was the Seasteading Institute, founded in 2008 by Patri Friedman, the grandson of Milton Friedman, the Chicago School economist who did more than anyone else to popularize the notion that the “freedom to choose” was foundational.”
“The final flourishing of what one might think of as spatial libertarianism was the Seasteading Institute, founded in 2008 by Patri Friedman, the grandson of Milton Friedman, the Chicago School economist who did more than anyone else to popularize the notion that the “freedom to choose” was foundational.”
Can floating cities save us from rising sea levels?
Natalie Jonas
“Yet floating city projects like Oceanix have a controversial, libertarian-leaning cousin: seasteading. While floating city projects like Oceanix rely on the support of the host country, the decades-old concept of the seastead aims to create self-governing, independent statesdeep in international waters — where no nation’s laws apply.”
“Yet floating city projects like Oceanix have a controversial, libertarian-leaning cousin: seasteading. While floating city projects like Oceanix rely on the support of the host country, the decades-old concept of the seastead aims to create self-governing, independent statesdeep in international waters — where no nation’s laws apply.”
Billionaire bunkers: How the world’s wealthiest are paying to escape reality
New York Post
Eric Spitznagel
“It’s also about creating a new ultra-libertarian civilization free from taxes, anti-monopoly regulations, and meddling politicians.”
“It’s also about creating a new ultra-libertarian civilization free from taxes, anti-monopoly regulations, and meddling politicians.”
Think you could lead a country? Here’s a guide to creating your own micronation
Big Issue
AG Riddle
“Imagine this: your own island conveniently located at the perfect latitude with plentiful free energy, posh accommodations, and all you can eat (or drink, if you desire). Best of all, you make all the laws.”
“Imagine this: your own island conveniently located at the perfect latitude with plentiful free energy, posh accommodations, and all you can eat (or drink, if you desire). Best of all, you make all the laws.”
BioShock's Failed Fictional City Of Rapture Is More Rooted In Reality Than You Might Think
Game Spot
Juno Stump
“Though the Seasteading Institute hasn’t quite reached the above-the-clouds heights of BioShock Infinite and is instead aiming more for resorts and settlements that lie off the coast. Friedman has stated the goal is to both build new settlements that can exist alongside and above other cities and to disrupt and influence existing governments.”
“Though the Seasteading Institute hasn’t quite reached the above-the-clouds heights of BioShock Infinite and is instead aiming more for resorts and settlements that lie off the coast. Friedman has stated the goal is to both build new settlements that can exist alongside and above other cities and to disrupt and influence existing governments.”
Busan, a South Korean city, plans a floating neighbourhood
The Economist
The Economist
Die Antwort auf fast alles: Werden wir aufs Wasser ziehen?
Thomas Kulik
Game-Changing Facts About Floating Cities & Seasteading
Kellen Perry
The disastrous voyage of Satoshi, the world’s first cryptocurrency cruise ship
The Guardian
Sophie Elmhirst
Overcoming the Hurdles to Seasteading
Cato Daily Podcast
Caleb O. Brown
Creating new cities or countries on the ocean has long been just a dream. Is seasteading getting closer. Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute thinks so.
Creating new cities or countries on the ocean has long been just a dream. Is seasteading getting closer. Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute thinks so.
Overcoming the Hurdles to Seasteading
Cato Institute
Caleb O. Brown
Our Future of Living on the Water – Floating Cities?
Undecided with Matt Ferrell
Matt Ferrell
Een onbewoond belastingparadijs met één dissident
De Groene Amsterdammer
Jeroen van Raalt
“En este concepto se utilizan las plataformas marinas y se readaptan para crear ciudades flotantes”
“En este concepto se utilizan las plataformas marinas y se readaptan para crear ciudades flotantes”
Seasteading Creates RPG
Hacker News
A discussion with 147 comments in the Hacker News sharing site.
A discussion with 147 comments in the Hacker News sharing site.
Meereshäuser aus Utopia
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Alexandra Wach
“Schritt für Schritt eröffnen sich weitere, mit leichter Hand skizzierte Denkräume, etwa die ultralibertären Pläne für die schwimmende Stadt Seasteading, eine staatenlose Mikrogesellschaft ohne staatliche Regulierung, die der PayPal-Mitbegründer Peter Thiel auf die Landkarte utopischer Inselträume gesetzt hat.”
“Schritt für Schritt eröffnen sich weitere, mit leichter Hand skizzierte Denkräume, etwa die ultralibertären Pläne für die schwimmende Stadt Seasteading, eine staatenlose Mikrogesellschaft ohne staatliche Regulierung, die der PayPal-Mitbegründer Peter Thiel auf die Landkarte utopischer Inselträume gesetzt hat.”
Seasteading: las ciudades en medio del océano que no pertenecen a ningún país
El Heraldo de Mexico
El Heraldo de Mexico
“En este concepto se utilizan las plataformas marinas y se readaptan para crear ciudades flotantes”
“En este concepto se utilizan las plataformas marinas y se readaptan para crear ciudades flotantes”
Rêver la ville
La Tribune Partageons L'economie
Patrick Cappelli
“Les transformations profondes que nous connaissons – changement climatique, transformation numérique, mobilités réinventées – vont à coup sûr modifier l’apparence des grandes agglomérations.”
“Les transformations profondes que nous connaissons – changement climatique, transformation numérique, mobilités réinventées – vont à coup sûr modifier l’apparence des grandes agglomérations.”
В Тихом океане хотят построить государство на воде
“Территория планеты постоянно застраивается, в некоторых странах уже не хватает места для строительства зданий, поэтому ученые придумывают все новые методы строительства.”
“Территория планеты постоянно застраивается, в некоторых странах уже не хватает места для строительства зданий, поэтому ученые придумывают все новые методы строительства.”
Elon Musk’s “City-State” on Mars: An International Problem
Modern Diplomacy
Ashley Gjovik
“However, one obstacle for all of them will be navigating international law. Musk already appears to be exploiting many soft spots in international politics, which are no competitor to a ruthless tech titan.”
“However, one obstacle for all of them will be navigating international law. Musk already appears to be exploiting many soft spots in international politics, which are no competitor to a ruthless tech titan.”
Nunca más me permitiré amar un trabajo: Anna Wiener y otras renegadas de Silicon Valley alzan la voz
El Pais
Noelia Ramirez
“Un grupo de escritoras lidera la rebelión contra la supuesta utopía de progreso en la cultura laboral fomentada desde los gigantes tecnológicos.”
“Un grupo de escritoras lidera la rebelión contra la supuesta utopía de progreso en la cultura laboral fomentada desde los gigantes tecnológicos.”
Seasteads Self-isolation for the Ultra Wealthy
bllnr Singapore
Tara Loader Wilkinson
“The plan is that these will be self-sufficient homes that power themselves, produce their own hydroponic food and electricity, handle their own wastewater treatment, and even be fitted with an underwater coral nursery to support marine life. Air and water drones will courier trash, recycling, packages, food delivery and emergency medical support like defibrillators and medicine.”
“The plan is that these will be self-sufficient homes that power themselves, produce their own hydroponic food and electricity, handle their own wastewater treatment, and even be fitted with an underwater coral nursery to support marine life. Air and water drones will courier trash, recycling, packages, food delivery and emergency medical support like defibrillators and medicine.”
Ten interesting things we read this week
Ambit Research
“seasteading essentially starts with the observation that cruise ships exist, and asks whether we could move from a few weeks on the water at a time to semi-permanent habitation on international waters”
“seasteading essentially starts with the observation that cruise ships exist, and asks whether we could move from a few weeks on the water at a time to semi-permanent habitation on international waters”
Le cloud pollue davantage qu’un simple nuage
Siecle Digital
Julia Guinamard
“Le projet Blue Frontiers , porté par le groupe libertarien Seasteading Institute, qui consiste à créer des îles artificielles complètement intégrées à la végétation dans les eaux territoriales françaises, ou la volonté d’ Elon Musk de coloniser Mars…”
“Le projet Blue Frontiers , porté par le groupe libertarien Seasteading Institute, qui consiste à créer des îles artificielles complètement intégrées à la végétation dans les eaux territoriales françaises, ou la volonté d’ Elon Musk de coloniser Mars…”
The Quest for a Floating Utopia
Hakai Magazine
Boyce Upholt
“Elwartowski, a US expat, calls himself the world’s first seasteader. He lived briefly in a pod off the coast of Thailand in 2019, though when he raised the ire of that country’s navy, he fled, becoming an international fugitive. Undeterred, he’s resettled in Panama, ready to try again.”
“Elwartowski, a US expat, calls himself the world’s first seasteader. He lived briefly in a pod off the coast of Thailand in 2019, though when he raised the ire of that country’s navy, he fled, becoming an international fugitive. Undeterred, he’s resettled in Panama, ready to try again.”
Seasteading & Space Colonization: Environmental & Policy Impacts, Part 1
Clean Technica
Jennifer Sensiba
“Whatever the reason for moving, we would be fools to assume that the days of people packing up and leaving established countries to start new ones are over. There is however, one big thing getting in the way of that: we’ve mostly run out of habitable land.”
“Whatever the reason for moving, we would be fools to assume that the days of people packing up and leaving established countries to start new ones are over. There is however, one big thing getting in the way of that: we’ve mostly run out of habitable land.”
U.S. Transhumanist Party Virtual Enlightenment Salon with Michael Eliot
G. Stolyarov II
G. Stolyarov II
“The U.S. Transhumanist Party invites Michael Eliot, CEO of Ventive Floathouse, to discuss innovations in seasteading and the possibilities for modular ocean structures to become widespread and affordable in the future.”
“The U.S. Transhumanist Party invites Michael Eliot, CEO of Ventive Floathouse, to discuss innovations in seasteading and the possibilities for modular ocean structures to become widespread and affordable in the future.”
Could Floating Cities Be a Haven as Coastlines Submerge?
Scientific American
Daniel Cusick
““Seasteader” housing built on platforms would rise and fall with the tides, but practical challenges are huge”
““Seasteader” housing built on platforms would rise and fall with the tides, but practical challenges are huge”
LFN #64 – Joe Quirk on How Seasteading Will Help Us Find Freedom in an Unfree World
Live Free Now Podcast
John Bush
“Join me for an interesting conversation with Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute. We will talk about how floating cities and oceanic sanctuaries are a potential place for free people to experiment with society building and experimental governance structures.”
“Join me for an interesting conversation with Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute. We will talk about how floating cities and oceanic sanctuaries are a potential place for free people to experiment with society building and experimental governance structures.”
Seasteading: utopian floating cities or safe haven for western pirates?
Green Prophet
Miriam Kresh
“When you think of who inhabits the sea, don’t think of people, you think of fishes. Turtles, dolphins, jellyfish, whales. In Dubai and Oman they have built cities into the sea on fake islands and jetties. But the people at the Seasteading Institute argue that the ocean can become home to sustainable new societies in cities that float.”
“When you think of who inhabits the sea, don’t think of people, you think of fishes. Turtles, dolphins, jellyfish, whales. In Dubai and Oman they have built cities into the sea on fake islands and jetties. But the people at the Seasteading Institute argue that the ocean can become home to sustainable new societies in cities that float.”
Calls for Silicon Valey elites to join floating offices at sea
The Telegraph
Margi Murphy
“The cruise ship has a familiar feel to those employed by Silicon Valley’s technology companies with extensive facilities”
“The cruise ship has a familiar feel to those employed by Silicon Valley’s technology companies with extensive facilities”
Floating Cities on Oceans in Our Future?
Salman Hasan
“Is there a business case to re-envisioning our cities?”
“Is there a business case to re-envisioning our cities?”
Vote to Float
The Bob Zadek Show
Bob Zadek
“This Sunday, I was joined by two leading experts on “competitive governance” – a truly revolutionary idea that promises to renew freedom of choice and consent of the governed.”
“This Sunday, I was joined by two leading experts on “competitive governance” – a truly revolutionary idea that promises to renew freedom of choice and consent of the governed.”
La burocracia hundió el proyecto Satoshi, un sueño de millonarios que casi se hace realidad
Mariela León
Episode 30: Seasteading with Joe Quirk
Unshackled Liberty Podcast
Q the Abolitionist
“This is a libertarian variety show where we discuss the value of reducing the role of government in our daily lives.”
“This is a libertarian variety show where we discuss the value of reducing the role of government in our daily lives.”
Entrevista Con Joe Quirk, Presidente De The Seasteading Institute
En Otro Plano
Jorge Lerdo de Tejada
“Crear una sociedad en medio del océano libre de gobiernos nacionales es un nuevo concepto de civilización es lo que propone entre otras cosas el movimiento Seasteading”
“Crear una sociedad en medio del océano libre de gobiernos nacionales es un nuevo concepto de civilización es lo que propone entre otras cosas el movimiento Seasteading”
Seasteading: il futuro è vivere come un baccello nel mare
Paola Piacenza
“Sono i nuovi pionieri. Ma questa volta la frontiera che vogliono conquistare è liquida e le case, ipertecnologiche ed ecosostenibili, sono su palafitte.”
“Sono i nuovi pionieri. Ma questa volta la frontiera che vogliono conquistare è liquida e le case, ipertecnologiche ed ecosostenibili, sono su palafitte.”
Seria possível construir uma cidade no mar? Ativistas estão desenvolvendo o projeto
Raphael Minho
“Seria possível construir uma cidade em alto mar? Provavelmente, muitas pessoas digam que não, mas empresários ativistas resolveram desafiar a probabilidade e revolucionar o conceito de civilização que conhecemos.”
“Seria possível construir uma cidade em alto mar? Provavelmente, muitas pessoas digam que não, mas empresários ativistas resolveram desafiar a probabilidade e revolucionar o conceito de civilização que conhecemos.”
Floating Cities the UN's Solution to Land Scarcity or Science Fiction Dream?
Samantha Brown
“Existing floating developments, like those in Victoria, often run on the same power sources as the mainland and require the same access to utilities as land developments. However, the newer, more futuristic floating city models run autonomously on green energy with net zero emissions and actually support marine environments rather than disturb them.”
“Existing floating developments, like those in Victoria, often run on the same power sources as the mainland and require the same access to utilities as land developments. However, the newer, more futuristic floating city models run autonomously on green energy with net zero emissions and actually support marine environments rather than disturb them.”
Joe Quirk Creating a Society at Sea
The Essential
Matt Beaudreau
“Join us for conversations with industry leaders and today’s prominent figures where they answer today’s essential 11 questions about how they obtained success and happiness, and how you can too.”
“Join us for conversations with industry leaders and today’s prominent figures where they answer today’s essential 11 questions about how they obtained success and happiness, and how you can too.”
Tento libertariánský obchodník s Bitcoiny a představitel konceptu seasteading chce postavit město na moři
Roman Blecha
Chad Elwartowski, americký softwarový inženýr, který se stal obchodníkem s Bitcoiny, je jedním z předních představitelů konceptu seasteading – libertariánská jednotka, která staví nezávislá plovoucí města na volném moři.
Chad Elwartowski, americký softwarový inženýr, který se stal obchodníkem s Bitcoiny, je jedním z předních představitelů konceptu seasteading – libertariánská jednotka, která staví nezávislá plovoucí města na volném moři.
Billionaire ‘Seasteading’ Obsessives Believe The Time Is Now [Video]
2 Oceans Vibe
“These aren’t your reclaimed plastic, hippy islands, though. “They’re high tech superstructures aimed at sustainable living not dissimilar to the ones that you’ll find in Dubai, or that floating hotel in Sweden, only bigger and aimed at housing entire communities.”
“These aren’t your reclaimed plastic, hippy islands, though. “They’re high tech superstructures aimed at sustainable living not dissimilar to the ones that you’ll find in Dubai, or that floating hotel in Sweden, only bigger and aimed at housing entire communities.”
The Week Unwrapped - with Olly Mann
Dennis Publishing
Olly Man
What is seasteading?
What is seasteading?
This libertarian Bitcoin trader wants to build a city on the sea
Adriana Hamacher
“Thanks to the coronavirus, “seasteading” is enjoying a renaissance among the tech elite. But this time, they’re seeking permission.”
“Thanks to the coronavirus, “seasteading” is enjoying a renaissance among the tech elite. But this time, they’re seeking permission.”
Seasteading – a vanity project for the rich or the future of humanity?
The Guardian
Oliver Wainwright
“Seasteading represents the ultimate Silicon Valley approach to governance, conceiving society as a technology that can be hacked and innovated upon as simply as an operating system.”
“Seasteading represents the ultimate Silicon Valley approach to governance, conceiving society as a technology that can be hacked and innovated upon as simply as an operating system.”
Seasteading: um projeto de vaidade para os ricos ou o futuro da humanidade?
Natasha Romanzoti
“A expressão é um neologismo com as palavras em inglês “sea” (“oceano”) e “homesteading” (“estilo de vida autossuficiente”), um conceito que indica a criação de habitações permanentes no mar, chamadas de “seasteads”, fora dos territórios reivindicados pelos governos de qualquer nação estabelecida.”
“A expressão é um neologismo com as palavras em inglês “sea” (“oceano”) e “homesteading” (“estilo de vida autossuficiente”), um conceito que indica a criação de habitações permanentes no mar, chamadas de “seasteads”, fora dos territórios reivindicados pelos governos de qualquer nação estabelecida.”
Silicon Valley's elite wants yet again to abandon land and live on floating cities in the middle of the ocean that operate outside of existing governments
Business Insider
Katie Canales
The founder of a Silicon Valley think tank promoting the construction of seasteads — or floating cities that operate independently of existing governments — told The Telegraph that he’s seeing an increase in interest.
The founder of a Silicon Valley think tank promoting the construction of seasteads — or floating cities that operate independently of existing governments — told The Telegraph that he’s seeing an increase in interest.
A good time to live on the ocean? 'Seasteaders' double down during pandemic
NBC News
David Ingram
The seasteading community has for years pushed the futuristic idea that living in independent, human-made communities on the ocean is the way to move society forward.
And what better time than a pandemic.
“The safest place to be in a pandemic is a seastead,” said Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute, an organization based in San Francisco that promotes the creation of new living spaces on the high seas or on far-flung islands.
The seasteading community has for years pushed the futuristic idea that living in independent, human-made communities on the ocean is the way to move society forward.
And what better time than a pandemic.
“The safest place to be in a pandemic is a seastead,” said Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute, an organization based in San Francisco that promotes the creation of new living spaces on the high seas or on far-flung islands.
Demand for Charter Cities During Covid-19 Pandemic Grows Exponential - People Desire Semi-Autonomous Zones
Jamie Redman
“For quite some time now, a number of libertarians, bitcoin evangelists, and blockchain entrepreneurs have been promoting the idea of charter cities and seasteading concepts. One such project, Pronomos Capital, has raised $9 million from heavyweight investors like venture capitalist Peter Thiel. Pronomos was incorporated in August by Patri Friedman, as the project is attempting to start sovereign charter cities in developing countries.”
“For quite some time now, a number of libertarians, bitcoin evangelists, and blockchain entrepreneurs have been promoting the idea of charter cities and seasteading concepts. One such project, Pronomos Capital, has raised $9 million from heavyweight investors like venture capitalist Peter Thiel. Pronomos was incorporated in August by Patri Friedman, as the project is attempting to start sovereign charter cities in developing countries.”
Abandon land for a less-taxing life
The Times
James Dean
“Today, as the vision of a world without rules seems more enticing than ever, that movement is receiving a boost, according to proponents in Silicon Valley, where closed offices have prompted a remote working revolution. And you cannot get more remote than the sea.”
“Today, as the vision of a world without rules seems more enticing than ever, that movement is receiving a boost, according to proponents in Silicon Valley, where closed offices have prompted a remote working revolution. And you cannot get more remote than the sea.”
Silicon Valley tech tycoons are moving to futuristic sea abodes
Annabel Sampson
To the sea! Health – and financial – gains to be found in state of the art seasteads, that have seen a surge in interest amidst the pandemic, as workers go remote
To the sea! Health – and financial – gains to be found in state of the art seasteads, that have seen a surge in interest amidst the pandemic, as workers go remote
Silicon Valley elites plan to quit terra firma for seasteading communities
The Telegraph
Margi Murphy
The politically autonomous dwellings based in international waters have long held an appeal for those in thrall to disrupting the status quo
The politically autonomous dwellings based in international waters have long held an appeal for those in thrall to disrupting the status quo
Ephemerisle is Burning Man on boats in the Sacramento River Delta – San Francisco Chronicle
Futurist Transhuman News Blog
Futurist Transhuman News Blog
“But launching full-fledged atolls on the rollicking Pacific would have demanded a level of engineering savvy and, in Ephemerisle parlance, saltiness that participants just didnt have. So Friedman and a large group of friends settled on an out-of-the-way estuary a short drive from San Francisco where currents are chill, access is easy and boat traffic is minimal.”
“But launching full-fledged atolls on the rollicking Pacific would have demanded a level of engineering savvy and, in Ephemerisle parlance, saltiness that participants just didnt have. So Friedman and a large group of friends settled on an out-of-the-way estuary a short drive from San Francisco where currents are chill, access is easy and boat traffic is minimal.”
How Coronavirus will change the entrepreneurial opportunity landscape
The Business Model Scholar
The Business Model Scholar
“These floating cities, also called startup countries or seasteads, (would) offer open spaces for experimenting with new societies and unregulated innovation and new models of governance.”
“These floating cities, also called startup countries or seasteads, (would) offer open spaces for experimenting with new societies and unregulated innovation and new models of governance.”
Billionaires’ biggest vanity projects
Love Money
Frances Carruthers
Despite including only a very small blurb about seasteading in this article, Carruthers manages to squeeze in multiple errors. Thiel was not involved with the Floating Island Project in French Polynesia, and The Seasteading Institute wasn’t planning to build a floating “city” there.
Despite including only a very small blurb about seasteading in this article, Carruthers manages to squeeze in multiple errors. Thiel was not involved with the Floating Island Project in French Polynesia, and The Seasteading Institute wasn’t planning to build a floating “city” there.
Are Floating Hotels, Office Buildings the Answer to Rising Sea Levels?
The Wall Street Journal
Konrad Putzier
“More developers see waterborne structures as a way to alleviate housing shortages and to support temporary events like the 2022 soccerWorld Cup”
“More developers see waterborne structures as a way to alleviate housing shortages and to support temporary events like the 2022 soccerWorld Cup”
จาก Refugee ถึง Seasteading และ Human Flow “คนไร้บ้าน” ถูกบังคับ หรือสมัครใจ
Jankkrit Siririn
“From the issue of Refugee to the Seasteading case, it reminds me of a movie. Is a documentary movie That has been questioned as “homeless” or homeless , they are “forced” or “voluntarily””
“From the issue of Refugee to the Seasteading case, it reminds me of a movie. Is a documentary movie That has been questioned as “homeless” or homeless , they are “forced” or “voluntarily””
Seasteading! How About Living On The Sea?
The Gold Collar Investor
Pancham Gupta
“Can seasteading create a free, stable society and thus, spur innovation? Tune in to learn more.”
“Can seasteading create a free, stable society and thus, spur innovation? Tune in to learn more.”
The Hottest New Thing in Seasteading Is Land
Lizette Chapman
“Patri Friedman is sick of the jokes about floating tax havens.”
“Patri Friedman is sick of the jokes about floating tax havens.”
Titus Gebel Discusses His Legal Proposals for Free Private Cities
The Bob Murphy Show
Robert Murphy
“Bob discusses Titus’ proposal and how it differs from other types of abstract libertarian theorizing.”
“Bob discusses Titus’ proposal and how it differs from other types of abstract libertarian theorizing.”
How Two Seasteaders Wound Up Marked for Death
Brian Doherty
“If a tiny floating cottage brought down the wrath of the Thai navy, is there any hope for stateless life at sea?”
“If a tiny floating cottage brought down the wrath of the Thai navy, is there any hope for stateless life at sea?”
Waterworld? Floating Cities Turn Hollywood Sci-Fi Into Reality As Sea Levels Rise
Wade Shepard
“Floating cities lose a little clarity in their nomenclature. When we talk about floating cities we’re generally not really talking about entire cities floating around on the open ocean, but a series of interconnected platforms that are moored to the seabed a short distance out from shore.”
“Floating cities lose a little clarity in their nomenclature. When we talk about floating cities we’re generally not really talking about entire cities floating around on the open ocean, but a series of interconnected platforms that are moored to the seabed a short distance out from shore.”
Andrew Yang Injected Silicon Valley’s Favorite Economic Idea Into The Democratic Debate. Silicon Valley Isn’t So Happy About That.
Buzzfeed News
Alex Kantrowitz
“Universal basic income seems like an idea whose time has come — except to some of the very people pushing the idea in the first place.”
“Universal basic income seems like an idea whose time has come — except to some of the very people pushing the idea in the first place.”
Future ahoy: Are you ready to live in a floating city?
San Franciso Chronicle
Gregory Thomas
“When the ice caps melt, covering the earth with water, and Kevin Costner sails the seas alone, wearing a set of fish gills and a hardened scowl, the rest of us will be happily content, living comfortably on fancy floating city-states. No fighting cigarette-crazed pirates on greasy Jet Skis, just lazing like frogs on teched-out lily pads.”
“When the ice caps melt, covering the earth with water, and Kevin Costner sails the seas alone, wearing a set of fish gills and a hardened scowl, the rest of us will be happily content, living comfortably on fancy floating city-states. No fighting cigarette-crazed pirates on greasy Jet Skis, just lazing like frogs on teched-out lily pads.”
Start Your Own Country!
John Stossel
“Unfortunately, most of the world’s land is controlled by rapacious governments unwilling to let others experiment. But fortunately, that still leaves oceans.”
“Unfortunately, most of the world’s land is controlled by rapacious governments unwilling to let others experiment. But fortunately, that still leaves oceans.”
Stossel: Live Free at Sea
John Stossel
“How can we live free? Governments impose rules and control all land on earth.”
“How can we live free? Governments impose rules and control all land on earth.”
Podcast: Seasteading – Investing Opportunities on the High Seas
The Real Estate Guys
Robert Helms and Russell Gray
Imagine owning real estate without the dirt …
Just as freedom seeking pilgrims fled Europe for the brave new world of the Americas, there’s a growing movement among ruggedly independent entrepreneurs to set up homesteads on the high seas.
Imagine owning real estate without the dirt …
Just as freedom seeking pilgrims fled Europe for the brave new world of the Americas, there’s a growing movement among ruggedly independent entrepreneurs to set up homesteads on the high seas.
I study floating cities. I’m convinced offshore living is the future
Fast Company
Nathalie Mezza-Garcia
It may sound counterintuitive, but floating architecture provides two big advantages. First, it creates “land” that moves with the waves and thus is resilient in the face of flooding. Second, it allows cities to expand their pressurized coastal urban spaces.
It may sound counterintuitive, but floating architecture provides two big advantages. First, it creates “land” that moves with the waves and thus is resilient in the face of flooding. Second, it allows cities to expand their pressurized coastal urban spaces.
Luxury Bunkers for the End of the World
April Glaser and Max Read
“Growing fears about natural disasters, nuclear war, and a slew of other threats are causing people to buy fancy underground apartments.”
“Growing fears about natural disasters, nuclear war, and a slew of other threats are causing people to buy fancy underground apartments.”
Floating cities are getting far closer to reality than ever before — but they won't be the libertarian utopias billionaires have proposed
Business Insider
Aria Bendix
“It’s been about 13 centuries since Homer envisioned a mythical floating city surrounded by “unbreakable bronze.” The idea has generally remained the province of myth since then — until last month.”
“It’s been about 13 centuries since Homer envisioned a mythical floating city surrounded by “unbreakable bronze.” The idea has generally remained the province of myth since then — until last month.”
The World’s First Seasteaders Are Now on the Run for Their Lives
Brittany Hunter
“The only radical action taken by Chad Elwartowski and Supranee Thepdet was their decision to live together in such a small space at the edge of the ocean.”
“The only radical action taken by Chad Elwartowski and Supranee Thepdet was their decision to live together in such a small space at the edge of the ocean.”
“Seasteading” and National Sovereignty in the Caribbean
St. Lucia The Star
Ed Kennedy
“By many measures the Caribbean region offers more freedom to aspiring ‘citizens of the world’ than anywhere else on the planet.”
“By many measures the Caribbean region offers more freedom to aspiring ‘citizens of the world’ than anywhere else on the planet.”
Seasteading Goes Adrift
Joshua Keating
“The libertarian movement to build independent nations on floating platforms has hit a few snags.”
“The libertarian movement to build independent nations on floating platforms has hit a few snags.”
Tecumseh seasteader and girlfriend safe but still on the run from Thai authorities
Daily Telegra
Dmitriy Shapiro
“A Tecumseh native and his girlfriend remain safe but still on the run from authorities in Thailand after the couple’s seasteading venture ran afoul of the country’s government.”
“A Tecumseh native and his girlfriend remain safe but still on the run from authorities in Thailand after the couple’s seasteading venture ran afoul of the country’s government.”
A Libertarian Nirvana at Sea Runs Into a Stubborn Opponent: the Thai Navy
The Wall Street Journal
James Hookway
“American software engineer Chad Elwartowski thought he had found the perfect refuge from the long arm of meddlesome, overbearing governments. It was a home floating in the turquoise waters far off the coasts of Thailand and Indonesia.”
“American software engineer Chad Elwartowski thought he had found the perfect refuge from the long arm of meddlesome, overbearing governments. It was a home floating in the turquoise waters far off the coasts of Thailand and Indonesia.”
Bitcoin Trading Volume Surges 250% In Thailand After ‘seasteading’ Fiasco
Matthew North
“An illegal ‘seasteading’ home belonging to a Bitcoin-rich couple was towed by the Thai navy. Meanwhile, the publicity of the event has caused Bitcoin volumes to soar in Thailand.”
“An illegal ‘seasteading’ home belonging to a Bitcoin-rich couple was towed by the Thai navy. Meanwhile, the publicity of the event has caused Bitcoin volumes to soar in Thailand.”
Chad Elwartowski: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Stephanie Dube Dwilson
“Chad Elwartowski, an American Bitcoin trader, may be facing the death penalty in Thailand after his “seasteadding” 15 miles off the coast of Thailand got him in trouble with authorities.”
“Chad Elwartowski, an American Bitcoin trader, may be facing the death penalty in Thailand after his “seasteadding” 15 miles off the coast of Thailand got him in trouble with authorities.”
Seasteading Movement Seeks To Build Floating Cities
“There’s a movement by a group of aqua pioneers that wants to build eco-friendly, self-governing floating cities called seasteading.”
“There’s a movement by a group of aqua pioneers that wants to build eco-friendly, self-governing floating cities called seasteading.”
Seastead lifted ashore at Phuket port
Bangkok Post
Achadthaya Chuenniran
“The detached floating seastead cabin was lifted from the sea and placed on dry land for police inspection as authorities gather evidence to take legal action against the US-Thai couple.”
“The detached floating seastead cabin was lifted from the sea and placed on dry land for police inspection as authorities gather evidence to take legal action against the US-Thai couple.”
Thai navy tows floating home of fugitive U.S. 'seasteader'
Panu Wongcha-um
“Thailand’s navy on Monday began towing to shore the floating cabin of a fugitive U.S. citizen and his Thai girlfriend, both prominent members of the “seasteading” movement who face possible death sentences for setting up their offshore home.”
“Thailand’s navy on Monday began towing to shore the floating cabin of a fugitive U.S. citizen and his Thai girlfriend, both prominent members of the “seasteading” movement who face possible death sentences for setting up their offshore home.”
The “freest person in the world” faces a possible death penalty in Thailand
Daniel Wolfe
“A pirate’s life ain’t all that it’s cracked up to be: A bitcoin couple is sought by Thai authorities after trying to make a lawless, tax-free home on the sea outside Phuket island.”
“A pirate’s life ain’t all that it’s cracked up to be: A bitcoin couple is sought by Thai authorities after trying to make a lawless, tax-free home on the sea outside Phuket island.”
US bitcoin trader and girlfriend could face death penalty over Thai 'seastead'
Rob Picheta and Kocha Olarn
“An American bitcoin trader and his girlfriend could face the death penalty after they were accused of threatening Thailand’s sovereignty by building and living in a “sea home” off the coast of Phuket.”
“An American bitcoin trader and his girlfriend could face the death penalty after they were accused of threatening Thailand’s sovereignty by building and living in a “sea home” off the coast of Phuket.”
Bitcoin couple may face death penalty in Thailand over 'seasteading' effort
Fox News
Travis Fedschun
A dream to live at sea has left an American Bitcoin investor and his Thai partner in hot water with officials in Thailand, and the two may face life in prison or death over violating the country’s sovereignty.
A dream to live at sea has left an American Bitcoin investor and his Thai partner in hot water with officials in Thailand, and the two may face life in prison or death over violating the country’s sovereignty.
Thailand Says US Man's Seasteading Home Violates Sovereignty
Newsmax World
“Thai authorities have raided a floating home in the Andaman Sea belonging to an American man and his Thai partner who sought to be pioneers in the “seasteading” movement, which promotes living in international waters to be free of any nation’s laws.”
“Thai authorities have raided a floating home in the Andaman Sea belonging to an American man and his Thai partner who sought to be pioneers in the “seasteading” movement, which promotes living in international waters to be free of any nation’s laws.”
This is why the Thai navy busted a ‘seasteading’ American
NY Times
Grant Peck
Thai authorities have raided a floating home in the Andaman Sea belonging to an American man and his Thai partner who sought to be pioneers in the “seasteading” movement, which promotes living in international waters to be free of any nation’s laws.
Thai authorities have raided a floating home in the Andaman Sea belonging to an American man and his Thai partner who sought to be pioneers in the “seasteading” movement, which promotes living in international waters to be free of any nation’s laws.
Navy to remove 'seasteading' floating home off Phuket coast
Bangkok Post
Achadthaya Chuenniran
“Floating living platform deemed ‘threat to sovereignty'”
“Floating living platform deemed ‘threat to sovereignty'”
American, Thai partner in hiding, fearful of charges for seastead south of Phuket
The Phuket News
The Phuket News
“An American man and his Thai partner say they are in hiding from Thai authorities and are fearful for their lives after the Royal Thai Navy filed a police complaint against them over a “seastead” living platform built in the waters more than 40 kilometres south of Phuket.”
“An American man and his Thai partner say they are in hiding from Thai authorities and are fearful for their lives after the Royal Thai Navy filed a police complaint against them over a “seastead” living platform built in the waters more than 40 kilometres south of Phuket.”
Seasteading Bitcoin Fans Say They're 'On the Run' From Thai Government
Jordan Pearson
“The ‘first seasteaders’ wanted a new life free from national laws, now they say they’re on the run after reports of criminal charges related to their waterborne structure.”
“The ‘first seasteaders’ wanted a new life free from national laws, now they say they’re on the run after reports of criminal charges related to their waterborne structure.”
Thai Government Takes Over Seastead Near the Thai Coast
Brian Doherty
“The Thai government thinks floating around just outside its territorial waters could justify a death sentence for seasteaders.”
“The Thai government thinks floating around just outside its territorial waters could justify a death sentence for seasteaders.”
UN Brings Back Controversial Floating City Concept
Emily Pollock
“The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) has embraced the concept of floating cities as a solution for housing and climate change. At its High-Level Round Table on Sustainable Floating Cities on April 3, scientists and politicians discussed a city designed to ride out floods and storms atop the waves.”
“The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) has embraced the concept of floating cities as a solution for housing and climate change. At its High-Level Round Table on Sustainable Floating Cities on April 3, scientists and politicians discussed a city designed to ride out floods and storms atop the waves.”
Seastead couple in crosshairs
Bangkok Post
Achadthaya Chuenniran and Chairith Yonpiam
“Navy complaint over ‘living platform'”
“Navy complaint over ‘living platform'”
Sea Levels Are Rising. Time to Build ... Floating Cities?
Daniel Oberhaus
If climate change ends up coming for your home, you could move inland. Or you could decamp to tessellated platforms floating on the ocean.
If climate change ends up coming for your home, you could move inland. Or you could decamp to tessellated platforms floating on the ocean.
Seasteading Starts Small Off Coast of Thailand, but It Is Starting
Brian Doherty
“Chad Elwartowski sees the spar beneath his seastead as a floating middle finger to those who “want to control other people’s lives through force.””
“Chad Elwartowski sees the spar beneath his seastead as a floating middle finger to those who “want to control other people’s lives through force.””
Bitcoin Early Adopters Build Seasteading Home off the Coast of Thailand
Interest in cryptocurrency is often interlinked with a passion for personal freedom and a desire to shape the future for the better. A recent example of this is a team of Bitcoin early adopters who are building a seasteading home off the coast of Thailand.
Interest in cryptocurrency is often interlinked with a passion for personal freedom and a desire to shape the future for the better. A recent example of this is a team of Bitcoin early adopters who are building a seasteading home off the coast of Thailand.
First Seastead in International Waters Now Occupied, Thanks to Bitcoin Wealth
Brian Doherty
“Two libertarians now have a private home off the coast of Thailand-proof of concept for a world of more competitive governance and greater ocean environmental health.”
“Two libertarians now have a private home off the coast of Thailand-proof of concept for a world of more competitive governance and greater ocean environmental health.”
Could The Seas Be The Next Real Estate Frontier?
Azure Azure
Walter Raymond
“A project of floating cities, by the Seasteading Institute, is offering an alternative version of future housing. It’s much less dramatic than the Kevin Costner film and depends on the expertise of a global and diverse team of marine biologists, nautical engineers, farmers, medical researchers, investors, environmentalists and artists.”
“A project of floating cities, by the Seasteading Institute, is offering an alternative version of future housing. It’s much less dramatic than the Kevin Costner film and depends on the expertise of a global and diverse team of marine biologists, nautical engineers, farmers, medical researchers, investors, environmentalists and artists.”
Seasteading: The Reality TV Show
Brian Doherty
“Count on Reason to keep you way ahead of the pop-cultural curve: I first profiled the Seasteading movement back in 2009, and then reported from the first and second iterations of a still-ongoing annual water-based festival spun off from the movement, Ephemerisle.”
“Count on Reason to keep you way ahead of the pop-cultural curve: I first profiled the Seasteading movement back in 2009, and then reported from the first and second iterations of a still-ongoing annual water-based festival spun off from the movement, Ephemerisle.”
Civilization 6: Gathering Storm – new leaders, abilities and units
VG 24/7
Lauren Aitken
“The addition of the Future Era is to show players how their world and civilizations can be affected by fossil fuels, overpopulation and the invention of new technologies such as carbon recapture and seasteading as the mainland becomes more inhospitable.”
“The addition of the Future Era is to show players how their world and civilizations can be affected by fossil fuels, overpopulation and the invention of new technologies such as carbon recapture and seasteading as the mainland becomes more inhospitable.”
The blue economy and seasteading: A key growth driver for Singapore
The Buisness Times
Yap Shi Wen
“With infrastructure the primary cost of floating charter cities, the city-state is home to major investors with deep experience in property, maritime and infrastructure ventures.”
“With infrastructure the primary cost of floating charter cities, the city-state is home to major investors with deep experience in property, maritime and infrastructure ventures.”
Will Seasteading Create the First Non-Violent Nations?
Foundation for Economic Education
David Gornoski
“An ocean-platform community voluntarily funded and organized, if successful, is a monumental event in human anthropology.”
“An ocean-platform community voluntarily funded and organized, if successful, is a monumental event in human anthropology.”
How Seasteading Can Change The Environment And Society For The Better
The Federalist
Robert Zubrin
“[T]hey are fully aware of the damage that modern industrial society is inflicting on wildlife in the oceans, forcefully making points about issues such as pollution and depletion of fish stocks that environmentalists frequently make. But rather than use these issues to make an ecological case against human progress, they make one for it.”
“[T]hey are fully aware of the damage that modern industrial society is inflicting on wildlife in the oceans, forcefully making points about issues such as pollution and depletion of fish stocks that environmentalists frequently make. But rather than use these issues to make an ecological case against human progress, they make one for it.”
Beyond democracy: could seasteads and cryptocurrencies replace the nation state?
The Spectator
Patri Friedman
“Democracy is regarded as the best form of government there is. But it isn’t working too well and start-up societies could be the answer”
“Democracy is regarded as the best form of government there is. But it isn’t working too well and start-up societies could be the answer”
Sailing Towards Sustainability
Kabeia Rineaki Brock Sutton Allen
“The very act of living on the ocean naturally engenders a lifestyle that respects an environment that one cannot run from. When you’re living on the ocean you are forced to live within its limitations and constantly consider and factor your environmental footprint.”
“The very act of living on the ocean naturally engenders a lifestyle that respects an environment that one cannot run from. When you’re living on the ocean you are forced to live within its limitations and constantly consider and factor your environmental footprint.”
Seasteading: This Isn’t Planet Earth
Mithila Review
Joe Quirk
If nine billion of us are to survive in 2050, we are charged with six moral imperatives as ancient as they are urgent:
feed the hungry, enrich the poor, cure the sick, restore the environment, power civilization sustainably, and live in peace.
If nine billion of us are to survive in 2050, we are charged with six moral imperatives as ancient as they are urgent:
feed the hungry, enrich the poor, cure the sick, restore the environment, power civilization sustainably, and live in peace.
All aboard: Are these the cities of the future?
9 News
A Current Affair Staff 8
“There could be an innovative solution to the problem of congestion and overcrowding in Aussie cities – but it might be a long way off. A California-based non-profit, The Seasteading Institute, is floating the idea of “Seasteads” – ocean-borne cities that will give people opportunities to peacefully test new ideas about living together.”
“There could be an innovative solution to the problem of congestion and overcrowding in Aussie cities – but it might be a long way off. A California-based non-profit, The Seasteading Institute, is floating the idea of “Seasteads” – ocean-borne cities that will give people opportunities to peacefully test new ideas about living together.”
Your Climate Change Survival Plan
Starre Julia Vartan
Seasteading as a concept is still in its early stages, and working with existing countries are part of what Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute, a nonprofit think tank whose research inspired the Blue Frontiers project, calls “strategic incrementalism towards autonomy.”
Seasteading as a concept is still in its early stages, and working with existing countries are part of what Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute, a nonprofit think tank whose research inspired the Blue Frontiers project, calls “strategic incrementalism towards autonomy.”
Seasteading and Health Care: Islands of Innovation
Foundation for Economic Education
Brittany Hunter
“Innovation in health care is woefully lacking and government red tape is largely to blame, but seasteading just might be a way to circumvent bureaucracy without sacrificing quality.”
“Innovation in health care is woefully lacking and government red tape is largely to blame, but seasteading just might be a way to circumvent bureaucracy without sacrificing quality.”
Center for Innovative Governance Research Interviews Joe Quirk
Center for Innovative Governance Research
Dr. Mark Lutter
Seasteading: An interview with Joe Quirk, President of the Seasteading Institute.
Charter Cities Institute Blog
Dr. Mark Lutter
“Seasteading is not a plan for society. Seasteading is a technology for anybody to try their own society. The Seasteading Institute takes no position on what kind of societies should be formed. We foster the research and technology for individuals to try their own societies.”
“Seasteading is not a plan for society. Seasteading is a technology for anybody to try their own society. The Seasteading Institute takes no position on what kind of societies should be formed. We foster the research and technology for individuals to try their own societies.”
Floating City: A Sci-Fi Trope Or A Salvation For Many Nations?
Ariana M
“Mr Quirk’s plans are truly ambitious when it comes to making these islands self-sufficient and sustainable. The islands will be built on floating panels that will help regenerate coral reefs and reverse coral bleaching.”
“Mr Quirk’s plans are truly ambitious when it comes to making these islands self-sufficient and sustainable. The islands will be built on floating panels that will help regenerate coral reefs and reverse coral bleaching.”
Floating Island Crypto Nation Aims for New Way of Governance
News BTC
News BTC
“The worlds first autonomous floating island nation-state is set to be completed by 2022 and has begun selling the cryptocurrency intended to drive the project today.”
“The worlds first autonomous floating island nation-state is set to be completed by 2022 and has begun selling the cryptocurrency intended to drive the project today.”
Floating Island Crypto Nation Aims for New Way of Governance
World's first floating nation begins selling its own 'Vayron' cryptocurrency ahead of 2022 launch in the Pacific Ocean
Daily Mail
Mark Prigg
“Investors can now take part in a presale of Vayron, the cryptocurrency the Seasteading Institute, the organisation behind the plan, will use.”
“Investors can now take part in a presale of Vayron, the cryptocurrency the Seasteading Institute, the organisation behind the plan, will use.”
Blue Frontiers creating 300 residence seastead funded with their own cryptocurrency
Next Big Future
Brian Wang
“Investors can now take part in a presale of Vayron, the cryptocurrency the Seasteading Institute, the organisation behind the plan, will use.”
“Investors can now take part in a presale of Vayron, the cryptocurrency the Seasteading Institute, the organisation behind the plan, will use.”
A pilot project for a new libertarian floating city will have 300 homes, its own government, and its own cryptocurrency
Business Insider
Leanna Garfield
“Joe Quirk ‘hopes that the city will serve as ‘an incubation hub to develop wave energy generation technologies, floating solar, materials science, algae-based food and fuel, sea water air conditioning (SWAC), desalination, and marine education.'”
“Joe Quirk ‘hopes that the city will serve as ‘an incubation hub to develop wave energy generation technologies, floating solar, materials science, algae-based food and fuel, sea water air conditioning (SWAC), desalination, and marine education.'”
This floating ‘utopia’ will have its own government and cryptocurrency by 2022 – to beat rising sea levels
The Sun
Saqib Shah
“The company behind the floating city just started selling its virtual currency that will let you buy homes and businesses on its “eco-friendly” hideaway”
“The company behind the floating city just started selling its virtual currency that will let you buy homes and businesses on its “eco-friendly” hideaway”
Could Floating Cities Be a Lifeline for Pacific Nations?
RNZ News
RNZ News
Could floating cities be a lifeline for Pacific nations?
“French Polynesia could become the location of the world’s first floating city as early as 2022 – says the co-founder of a non-profit think tank.”
“French Polynesia could become the location of the world’s first floating city as early as 2022 – says the co-founder of a non-profit think tank.”
Seasteading: could artificial floating cities be a lifeline for low-lying Pacific nations?
The Science Show
Carl Smith
Carl Smith puts the idea of ‘seasteading’ under the microscope, and digs through the history of Australia’s pioneering floating hotel project.
Carl Smith puts the idea of ‘seasteading’ under the microscope, and digs through the history of Australia’s pioneering floating hotel project.
Frankie Boyle’s New World Order
Frankie Boyle
Is 'seasteading' a delusion or could floating cities be a lifeline for Pacific nations?
ABC Science
Carl Smith
“The proposed location is a calm, circular Tahitian atoll.
“The water is shallow and protected from damaging waves. Bobbing up and down in the lagoon are futuristic floating dwellings with clean lines and grass-covered roofs.”
“The proposed location is a calm, circular Tahitian atoll.
“The water is shallow and protected from damaging waves. Bobbing up and down in the lagoon are futuristic floating dwellings with clean lines and grass-covered roofs.”
Floating island backers say French Polynesia project still on
Radio New Zealand
“The project’s backers said they were still in talks with the government which earlier said a deal was void.”
“The project’s backers said they were still in talks with the government which earlier said a deal was void.”
Billionaire Peter Thiel helped fund plans to build the world’s first floating city — take a look at the designs
Business Insider
Leanna Garfield
BBC Launches “Newtopias”: Seasteading Most-Watched Video Short!
Does humanity's future lie out at sea?
Somethin' Else
“Forget Mars… in the future, humanity will live at sea argues Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute.”
“Forget Mars… in the future, humanity will live at sea argues Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute.”
The Landscape Of Innovative Governance
Mark Lutter
“People in the innovative governance space have long been thinking about creating city states, experimenting with and improving models for territorial governance. The result is not just a lack of progress in the past six years, but backsliding.”
“People in the innovative governance space have long been thinking about creating city states, experimenting with and improving models for territorial governance. The result is not just a lack of progress in the past six years, but backsliding.”
Seasteading Progress May Be Halted in French Polynesia
Brian Doherty
“Last year, the government of French Polynesia adopted a Memorandum of Understanding that said it would look into the prospects of allowing a seastead to be built near one of its islands. “Seasteads” are artificially created island polities that can experiment with different rules and add a level of competition to government.”
“Last year, the government of French Polynesia adopted a Memorandum of Understanding that said it would look into the prospects of allowing a seastead to be built near one of its islands. “Seasteads” are artificially created island polities that can experiment with different rules and add a level of competition to government.”
Selling Sovereignty on the Retail Level
Brian Doherty
“Cutting-edge libertarian-world projects such as Seasteading and Liberland are rooted in the idea of widening competition in sovereignty.”
“Cutting-edge libertarian-world projects such as Seasteading and Liberland are rooted in the idea of widening competition in sovereignty.”
David Slack: Maybe I found an island
David Slack
“A seastead is an idea; a floating community at sea. It is a homestead, just like in the John Wayne movies, but on the water, not the prairie; outside the reach of any government.”
“A seastead is an idea; a floating community at sea. It is a homestead, just like in the John Wayne movies, but on the water, not the prairie; outside the reach of any government.”
Seasteading: Come for the Algae Bacon, Stay for the Freedom
Geek's Guide to the Galaxy Podcast
“Floating cities of the future would feature vast underwater algae farms that would provide a healthy food source for residents.”
“Floating cities of the future would feature vast underwater algae farms that would provide a healthy food source for residents.”
Exploring the great blue frontier
The Daily Sentinel
Greg Walcher
“There was a time when people unhappy with their government, and no longer able to tolerate the situation, would simply go somewhere else, and set up their own new communities. That is largely the story of the western frontier, but it is no longer an option — or is it?”
“There was a time when people unhappy with their government, and no longer able to tolerate the situation, would simply go somewhere else, and set up their own new communities. That is largely the story of the western frontier, but it is no longer an option — or is it?”
“Artificial city” to float in the Pacific Ocean
A.Ikeda (ライター)
Floating City In The South Pacific Ocean Is The World’s First
Tabi Labo
A.Ikeda (ライター)
Floating isle off Tahiti seeks Pacific residents
Radio New Zealand
“The creators of a man-made floating island off Tahiti say they want a quarter of its population to be made up of Polynesian people.”
“The creators of a man-made floating island off Tahiti say they want a quarter of its population to be made up of Polynesian people.”
Permanent floating communities are possible climate change answer
Simon Shepherd
“The movement is called ‘sea steading’, a man-made floating community that sets its own laws and is self-sustaining, and the first one could be built on our Pacific doorstep in French Polynesia.”
“The movement is called ‘sea steading’, a man-made floating community that sets its own laws and is self-sustaining, and the first one could be built on our Pacific doorstep in French Polynesia.”
How the world’s first floating city could restore the environment
In Habitat
Lacy Cooke
“Not only could floating cities offer a sustainable place to live, but they could also potentially help coral reefs recover and provide a habitat for marine life, according to Joe Quirk, Blue Frontiers co-founder and Seasteading Institute seavangelist.”
“Not only could floating cities offer a sustainable place to live, but they could also potentially help coral reefs recover and provide a habitat for marine life, according to Joe Quirk, Blue Frontiers co-founder and Seasteading Institute seavangelist.”
SAVVY: Colonising the Seas
New Straits Times
Oon Yeoh
“Much of the Earth is covered by water with 71 per cent of it being the ocean. We harvest the ocean for seafood and seaweed but so far there hasn’t been any real attempt to create homes on the ocean. The reason is obvious.:
“Much of the Earth is covered by water with 71 per cent of it being the ocean. We harvest the ocean for seafood and seaweed but so far there hasn’t been any real attempt to create homes on the ocean. The reason is obvious.:
Îles flottantes : les premiers détails du projet
“En novembre, la société Blue Frontiers qui porte le projet d’îles flottantes à Tahiti a présenté un rapport détaillé au Pays ; comme prévu dans le protocole d’accord signé en janvier 2017, une étude environnementale et une étude économique y étaient annexées.”
“En novembre, la société Blue Frontiers qui porte le projet d’îles flottantes à Tahiti a présenté un rapport détaillé au Pays ; comme prévu dans le protocole d’accord signé en janvier 2017, une étude environnementale et une étude économique y étaient annexées.”
Îles flottantes : Marc Collins détaille les avancées du projet
France TV
Suliane Favennec
“Utopie ou réalité ? En tous les cas, des détails ont été apportés sur le projet des îles flottantes. Marc Collins, porte-parole de Seasteading Institut et correspondant local de la société, revient sur les avancées du projet.”
“Utopie ou réalité ? En tous les cas, des détails ont été apportés sur le projet des îles flottantes. Marc Collins, porte-parole de Seasteading Institut et correspondant local de la société, revient sur les avancées du projet.”
Joe Quirk Discusses The Possibility of Floating Cities
Newsmax TV
Joe Quirk Discusses the possibility of floating cities as early as 2020, and his book Seasteading.
Joe Quirk Discusses the possibility of floating cities as early as 2020, and his book Seasteading.
Dutch engineers test ‘floating island’
CNN Tech
CNN Tech
Inside the incredible floating nations designed to ‘free people from politicians’ planned for the Pacific by 2020
The Sun
Jacob Dirnhuber
These are the incredible first pictures of a floating city that will be built off the island of island of Tahiti by 2020 by a group backed by billionaire PayPal founder Peter Thiel
These are the incredible first pictures of a floating city that will be built off the island of island of Tahiti by 2020 by a group backed by billionaire PayPal founder Peter Thiel
Utopie: Paradis Artificiel à Tahiti
Dominique Nora
BRAIN WAVE: Inside the Incredible Floating Nations Designed to “Free People from Politicians” Planned for the Pacific by 2020
The Sun
The Sun
Incredible images reveal a futuristic vision inspired by Polynesian traditions for the world's first floating nation planned for the Pacific Ocean by 2020
Daily Mail Online
Tim Collins
“Now, a series of computer generated graphics reveal how it might look once complete, with a design that blends futuristic technology with Polynesian traditions.”
“Now, a series of computer generated graphics reveal how it might look once complete, with a design that blends futuristic technology with Polynesian traditions.”
Live Radio: Joe Quirk on the Future of Cities on the Sea
Fault Lines
Fault Lines
Pacific will have floating cities for residents to ‘free themselves from politics’
O Globo
Fernando Moreira
Podcast: Does Our Future Lie Within Ocean Cities?
52 Insights
52 Insights
“What if we told you that in a couple of decades from now there would be mobile cities operating out in the middle of the ocean far from any nation states jurisdiction?”
“What if we told you that in a couple of decades from now there would be mobile cities operating out in the middle of the ocean far from any nation states jurisdiction?”
Plovoucí ráj v Polynésii má do tří let uvítat první osadníky
“Místo u břehů Francouzské Polynésie už navštívili architekti i inženýři. Teď mají autoři projektu Plovoucí ostrov tři roky na to, aby uvedli v život aspoň zárodek snů o městech na hladině moří.”
“Místo u břehů Francouzské Polynésie už navštívili architekti i inženýři. Teď mají autoři projektu Plovoucí ostrov tři roky na to, aby uvedli v život aspoň zárodek snů o městech na hladině moří.”
The Floating Paradise in Polynesia to Welcome First Settlers Within Three Years
In an Attempt to Avoid Politicians, Author Wants to Build Artificial Islands
Der Volkswirt
Gustav Stolper
The incredible floating cities we could be living on in the not-too-distant future
The i Paper
Heather Chinn
“Floating cities may sound like science fiction, but if Blue Frontiers has its way, about 250 people will be living on about 15 artificial islands in the lagoon by 2020.”
“Floating cities may sound like science fiction, but if Blue Frontiers has its way, about 250 people will be living on about 15 artificial islands in the lagoon by 2020.”
Attack of the ICOs: What You Need to Know About Blockchain, Crypto and Initial Coin Offerings
Latina Geeks
Sandra Ponce De Leon
Floating cities could be a real thing by 2020
“The first ever-floating city is set to appear in 2020—and by 2050, thousands could exist around the world.”
“The first ever-floating city is set to appear in 2020—and by 2050, thousands could exist around the world.”
L'île flottante sera-t-elle financée en bitcoins ?
Tahiti Infos
Tahiti Infos
“Le projet d’île flottante porté par la fondation californienne Seasteading Institute commence à se dessiner plus précisément. La presse internationale a dévoilé de nouveaux plans d’architecte, des détails technologiques et scientifiques”
“Le projet d’île flottante porté par la fondation californienne Seasteading Institute commence à se dessiner plus précisément. La presse internationale a dévoilé de nouveaux plans d’architecte, des détails technologiques et scientifiques”
Officials Just Signed a Contract to Build The World’s First Floating Village
NBC Mach
“Cities at sea, afloat on the waves, have long been a cherished dream for forward-thinking architects and science fiction writers. Now the world’s first fully floating community is set to take shape in the turquoise waters of a Tahitian lagoon.”
“Cities at sea, afloat on the waves, have long been a cherished dream for forward-thinking architects and science fiction writers. Now the world’s first fully floating community is set to take shape in the turquoise waters of a Tahitian lagoon.”
Seasteading: Floating city aiming to cast off in 2020
CTV News
“An ambitious start-up is targeting 2020 for the launch of a floating city off French Polynesia, where it hopes to use a “start-up” ethos to eventually create a climate-friendly, small-government alternative to land-based nations.”
“An ambitious start-up is targeting 2020 for the launch of a floating city off French Polynesia, where it hopes to use a “start-up” ethos to eventually create a climate-friendly, small-government alternative to land-based nations.”
Will The Floating Islands be Funded in Bitcoins?
Tahiti Infos
Tahiti Infos
What if Brazil Sold the Sovereignty of Parts of It’s Territory?
Folha de S.Paulo
Folha de S.Paulo
The future of floating cities – and the realities
Ellie Cosgrave
“A collection of technology billionaires, architects and dreamers hope to build neighbourhoods and even city states on the ocean, but they could face some serious barriers.”
“A collection of technology billionaires, architects and dreamers hope to build neighbourhoods and even city states on the ocean, but they could face some serious barriers.”
Floating Islands Feature
The Sustainabilist
The Sustainabilist - Climate Change
Dubi Carbon
Climate Change: A Private Sector Affair
Climate Change: A Private Sector Affair
World's first floating village to breathe new life into old dream
NBC News
Tom Metcalfe
“Cities at sea, afloat on the waves, have long been a cherished dream for forward-thinking architects and science fiction writers.”
“Cities at sea, afloat on the waves, have long been a cherished dream for forward-thinking architects and science fiction writers.”
This Will Be The First Floating City In The World
Mind Body Green
Emma Loewe
“Though the concept of ocean communities has been around since the ’80s, San Francisco–based think tank The Seasteading Institute, is leading the charge to bring it to life.”
“Though the concept of ocean communities has been around since the ’80s, San Francisco–based think tank The Seasteading Institute, is leading the charge to bring it to life.”
This Will Be the First Floating City in the World
The world’s first floating city will be built in the South Pacific
World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum
“Rising above threats and challenges.”
“Rising above threats and challenges.”
Are politically independent floating cities the future?
“Want to change the world? Well how about going to live on a city that sails about in the tropical waters of French Polynesia?”
“Want to change the world? Well how about going to live on a city that sails about in the tropical waters of French Polynesia?”
One man's plan to save the world by building floating island nations
The Dori Monson Show
Dori Monson
Joe Quirk is an American author whose idea of building floating nations is explored in his latest book “Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Restore the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians.”
Joe Quirk is an American author whose idea of building floating nations is explored in his latest book “Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Restore the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians.”
World’s 1st Ever Floating City Will Be Ready By 2020 And, I’m Planning The Move Already!
“The idea seems so absurd that at the first thought it may seem like a film set for a sci-fi movie. But hold on to your horses because this isn’t as far-fetched as it seems. We bring you the future!”
“The idea seems so absurd that at the first thought it may seem like a film set for a sci-fi movie. But hold on to your horses because this isn’t as far-fetched as it seems. We bring you the future!”
Buckminster Fuller, Joe Quirk, and How to Walk on Water
Baer Engineering
Cade Summers
“This city, should it have been built, would have been the first of its kind. Half a century ago, Fuller planned the first models of a city district that was designed not to stand on the ground, but to float on the ocean.”
“This city, should it have been built, would have been the first of its kind. Half a century ago, Fuller planned the first models of a city district that was designed not to stand on the ground, but to float on the ocean.”
Libertarian billionaires want to make Waterworld a reality
Vice News
Alex Lubben
“Building a libertarian, techno-utopian paradise in a city that floats on the ocean sounds like the stuff of science fiction or a joke on HBO’s “Silicon Valley.“ And it is both of those things, but it’s also closer to reality than ever before.”
“Building a libertarian, techno-utopian paradise in a city that floats on the ocean sounds like the stuff of science fiction or a joke on HBO’s “Silicon Valley.“ And it is both of those things, but it’s also closer to reality than ever before.”
World's first floating city to be built off the coast of French Polynesia by 2020
Josh Gabbatiss
“On-going project making concept of ‘seasteading’ a reality, building a semi-autonomous community at sea and providing an environment relatively free of government control”
“On-going project making concept of ‘seasteading’ a reality, building a semi-autonomous community at sea and providing an environment relatively free of government control”
Floating Cities, No Longer Science Fiction, Begin to Take Shape
The New York Times
David Gelles
“It is an idea at once audacious and simplistic, a seeming impossibility that is now technologically within reach: cities floating in international waters — independent, self-sustaining nation-states at sea.”
“It is an idea at once audacious and simplistic, a seeming impossibility that is now technologically within reach: cities floating in international waters — independent, self-sustaining nation-states at sea.”
Quirk, do Seasteading: Futuro são nações flutuantes e inovadoras
Raphael Martins
“O objetivo do The Seasteading Institute é concentrar cientistas em ilhas, inclusive fundando uma nova forma de fazer política, para estimular a inovação”
“O objetivo do The Seasteading Institute é concentrar cientistas em ilhas, inclusive fundando uma nova forma de fazer política, para estimular a inovação”
Des îles incubateurs : une utopie artificielle en Polynésie Française
Sciences Avenir
Camille Gaubert
“Créer un archipel artificiel écologique en Polynésie Française pour tester de nouveaux modèles de gouvernance et promouvoir l’innovation dans les technologies numériques et marines, c’est le projet du Seasteading Institute.”
“Créer un archipel artificiel écologique en Polynésie Française pour tester de nouveaux modèles de gouvernance et promouvoir l’innovation dans les technologies numériques et marines, c’est le projet du Seasteading Institute.”
Des îles incubateurs : une utopie artificielle en Polynésie Française
Sciences et Avenir
Camille Gaubert
How “Seasteading” Might Just Solve All the World’s Problems (Book Review)
The Daily Bell
Joe Jarvis
“Joe Quirk is a guy who likes to joke around, so I assumed the title was a lighthearted exaggeration. A hyperbolic hook.
“By the time I finished the book I was utterly convinced that seasteading will save the world.”
“Joe Quirk is a guy who likes to joke around, so I assumed the title was a lighthearted exaggeration. A hyperbolic hook.
“By the time I finished the book I was utterly convinced that seasteading will save the world.”
Why fake islands might be a real boon for science
Emma Marris
“The seasteading movement is getting close to building its first prototype, an artificial archipelago where people will live, play and do research.”
“The seasteading movement is getting close to building its first prototype, an artificial archipelago where people will live, play and do research.”
Seasteading 101: How to Build the World’s First Society-at-Sea
Big Think
Marc Collins
“Seasteading began as a thought experiment: imagine a sovereign Libertarian utopia in international waters, far from the reach of any government. Over the last decade, this dream has inched closer and closer to reality.”
“Seasteading began as a thought experiment: imagine a sovereign Libertarian utopia in international waters, far from the reach of any government. Over the last decade, this dream has inched closer and closer to reality.”
Return of the city-state
Sam Haselby
“If a nation cannot defend its border, it ceases to exist in any meaningful way.”
“If a nation cannot defend its border, it ceases to exist in any meaningful way.”
The End of the World of Nation-States May Be Upon Us
Aeon Essays
Jamie Bartlett
Jacqueline Ronson
“In mere decades I think our children will be living on floating, sustainable societies, based on the voluntary choices of the people who live there,” Quirk tells Inverse. “They’ll look back on our primitive governments founded in previous nation states and wonder why we had to argue between two choices, when they have such a proliferation of choices.”
“In mere decades I think our children will be living on floating, sustainable societies, based on the voluntary choices of the people who live there,” Quirk tells Inverse. “They’ll look back on our primitive governments founded in previous nation states and wonder why we had to argue between two choices, when they have such a proliferation of choices.”
Leben ohne Staat
Handelsblatt GmbH
Jan Guldner
“Keinen Markt dominiert der Staat so sehr wie den Markt für gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben. Ökonomen und findige Unternehmer wollen das ändern – mit freien Privatstädten ohne Politik. Kommen jetzt elitäre Ghettos?”
“Keinen Markt dominiert der Staat so sehr wie den Markt für gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben. Ökonomen und findige Unternehmer wollen das ändern – mit freien Privatstädten ohne Politik. Kommen jetzt elitäre Ghettos?”
Ep. 948 Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Improve the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians
Tom Woods
Tom Woods
“Maybe the time has come to try something radically different, instead of doubling down on the same old strategies. That’s the view of Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute, who discusses the potential for humanity in, yes, floating nations.”
“Maybe the time has come to try something radically different, instead of doubling down on the same old strategies. That’s the view of Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute, who discusses the potential for humanity in, yes, floating nations.”
Tom Woods Interviews Joe Quirk
The Tom Woods Show
Thomas E. Woods
Seasteading: New Societies on the Floating Frontier
Living on Earth
Living on Earth
California’s Seasteading Institute has an audacious claim: establishing floating societies will “restore the environment, enrich the poor, cure the sick, and liberate humanity from politicians.” “Seavangelist” Joe Quirk, author of the new book Seasteading, explains this bold vision to host Steve Curwood.
California’s Seasteading Institute has an audacious claim: establishing floating societies will “restore the environment, enrich the poor, cure the sick, and liberate humanity from politicians.” “Seavangelist” Joe Quirk, author of the new book Seasteading, explains this bold vision to host Steve Curwood.
Joe Quirk on the Future of Cities in the Sea
Fault Lines
Lee Stranahan
“Will Kevin Costner be involved? What about storms?”
“Will Kevin Costner be involved? What about storms?”
It's not just Amazon coming for Whole Foods – Silicon Valley is eating the world
The Guardian
Arwa Mahdawi
“Tech titans are also busy rethinking the role of the nation state.”
“Tech titans are also busy rethinking the role of the nation state.”
As sea levels rise, are floating cities the future?
Yale Climate Connections
Daisy Simmons
“While some people are planning for life on Mars, there’s a new movement of so-called “seasteaders” planning to colonize a frontier a lot closer to home.”
“While some people are planning for life on Mars, there’s a new movement of so-called “seasteaders” planning to colonize a frontier a lot closer to home.”
Seasteading in Paradise
Brian Doherty
“New promise for floating free communities in a Polynesian lagoon—but is the movement leaving libertarianism behind?”
“New promise for floating free communities in a Polynesian lagoon—but is the movement leaving libertarianism behind?”
BOOK REVIEW from The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
French TV: LTOM
Les Témoins d’Outre-mer
Les Témoins d’Outre-mer
How to build your own country
CNN Opinion
Joe Quirk
“If you’d like to live in a country that caters to your values and lifestyle, why not build your own?”
“If you’d like to live in a country that caters to your values and lifestyle, why not build your own?”
Joe Quirk’s manifesto on CNN
Libertarians Seek a Home on the High Seas
The New Republic
Rachel Riederer
“Independence—political and financial—is a central goal of seasteading. The movement doesn’t just strive to utilize the empty expanse of the ocean for human habitat—it seeks to create a space for new kinds of societies to spring up.”
“Independence—political and financial—is a central goal of seasteading. The movement doesn’t just strive to utilize the empty expanse of the ocean for human habitat—it seeks to create a space for new kinds of societies to spring up.”
Floating island off Tahiti aims to be eco-friendly
Pacific Waves
Floating island off Tahiti aims to be eco-friendly
Radio New Zealand
Dateline Pacific
“A French Polynesian environmentalist helping proponents of a floating island in the territory says it’s likely to mean little harm to the environment.”
“A French Polynesian environmentalist helping proponents of a floating island in the territory says it’s likely to mean little harm to the environment.”
Première Conférence Internationale sur les Îles Flottantes à Tahiti du 15 au 18 mai
Pierre Carpentier
L’humanité est à pied sec sur moins de 30% de la planète. Et ce n’est pas près de s’améliorer à cause de l’érosion côtière due au changement climatique. Poussés à assurer notre survie, c’est à dire à nous nourrir, à gérer nos ressources et à nous abriter, nous voici contraints d’observer et d’apprendre les usages savants des civilisations nautiles premières, preuves de leur capacité d’innovation.
L’humanité est à pied sec sur moins de 30% de la planète. Et ce n’est pas près de s’améliorer à cause de l’érosion côtière due au changement climatique. Poussés à assurer notre survie, c’est à dire à nous nourrir, à gérer nos ressources et à nous abriter, nous voici contraints d’observer et d’apprendre les usages savants des civilisations nautiles premières, preuves de leur capacité d’innovation.
Joe Quirk: Seasteading Is the Story of Progress
Maya Weeks
“The floating-cities advocate says moving to the oceans will save us from environmental catastrophe.”
“The floating-cities advocate says moving to the oceans will save us from environmental catastrophe.”
Joe Quirk: Seasteading Is the Story of Progress
Maya Weeks
Talks in Tahiti on floating island plan
Dateline Pacific
“An international maritime safety expert, engineers, social scientists and an architect who’s built underwater habitats are among those who gathered on Tahiti last week to discuss plans for a floating island in French Polynesia.”
“An international maritime safety expert, engineers, social scientists and an architect who’s built underwater habitats are among those who gathered on Tahiti last week to discuss plans for a floating island in French Polynesia.”
Un projet d'îles artificielles en Polynésie française
Ouest France
Ouest France
“Bâtir des cités flottantes en Polynésie française, c’est le pari de l’association The Seasteading Institute, qui a tenté de convaincre les Polynésiens cette semaine, pendant quatre jours de séminaire à Tahiti, consacrés à ces îles artificielles.”
“Bâtir des cités flottantes en Polynésie française, c’est le pari de l’association The Seasteading Institute, qui a tenté de convaincre les Polynésiens cette semaine, pendant quatre jours de séminaire à Tahiti, consacrés à ces îles artificielles.”
Un projet d’îles artificielles en Polynésie française
Ouest France
Ouest France
« Construire des îles d’excellence, des archipels de connaissance »
“Teva Rohfritsch a pris soin de rappeler que ce projet n’implique aucune dépense publique, qualifiant de “polémique stérile” certains des commentaires que suscite le projet.”
“Teva Rohfritsch a pris soin de rappeler que ce projet n’implique aucune dépense publique, qualifiant de “polémique stérile” certains des commentaires que suscite le projet.”
Les îles flottantes en conférence cette semaine
Tahiti Infos
Jacques Franc de Ferrière
Le vice-président de la Polynésie, les promoteurs du projet d’île flottante en Polynésie ainsi qu’une pléthore d’invités internationaux ont enchainé les présentations.
Le vice-président de la Polynésie, les promoteurs du projet d’île flottante en Polynésie ainsi qu’une pléthore d’invités internationaux ont enchainé les présentations.
Les îles flottantes en conférence cette semaine
Tahiti Infos
Pierre Carpentier
Patri Friedman and Joe Quirk on KQED live radio. “Forum, with Michael Krasny.”
KQED Radio
Michael Krasny
Seasteading: Homesteading for the 21st Century
Michael Krasny
“The notion of pioneers creating nations on the sea, or seasteading, first gained attention in 2008 when Silicon Valley venture capitalist Peter Thiel backed the project.”
“The notion of pioneers creating nations on the sea, or seasteading, first gained attention in 2008 when Silicon Valley venture capitalist Peter Thiel backed the project.”
Manhattan Book Review
Manhattan Book Review
Manhattan Book Review
PanAm Podcast with Joe Quirk: How Floating Nations Will Reshape Our World
PanAm Post
David Unsworth
“Joe Quirk has been described as a “seavangelist”; in his work with The Seasteading Institute, he argues that new floating nation states, facilitated by the institute’s innovative technology, will revolutionize the world.”
“Joe Quirk has been described as a “seavangelist”; in his work with The Seasteading Institute, he argues that new floating nation states, facilitated by the institute’s innovative technology, will revolutionize the world.”
Seasteading’s Challenge to the Perennial Salon
Libertarian Institude
Edward Kelso
The Floating Utopias of the Future
Wall Street Journal
Shlomo Angel
New city-states in international waters could eventually house as many as a billion people. Shlomo Angel reviews “Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Restore the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians” by Joe Quirk and Patri Friedman.
New city-states in international waters could eventually house as many as a billion people. Shlomo Angel reviews “Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Restore the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians” by Joe Quirk and Patri Friedman.
Flucht ins Niemandsland und auf künstliche Inseln?
eigentümlich frei
Victor Tiberius
“Die Leser von eigentümlich frei sind eine heterogene Gruppe, doch was sie sicherlich eint, ist die – vorsichtig ausgedrückt – Skepsis gegenüber Ausmaß und Qualität staatlicher Koordination und Regelaufstellung. Und dies sicherlich nicht zu Unrecht.”
“Die Leser von eigentümlich frei sind eine heterogene Gruppe, doch was sie sicherlich eint, ist die – vorsichtig ausgedrückt – Skepsis gegenüber Ausmaß und Qualität staatlicher Koordination und Regelaufstellung. Und dies sicherlich nicht zu Unrecht.”
Îles flottantes : le Seasteading Institute à la rencontre des scientifiques
Deux représentants du Seasteading Institute, actuellement au fenua pour “s’assurer de la faisabilité technique du projet” d’îles flottantes, ont rencontré, le week-end dernier, à Moorea, des chercheurs locaux.
Deux représentants du Seasteading Institute, actuellement au fenua pour “s’assurer de la faisabilité technique du projet” d’îles flottantes, ont rencontré, le week-end dernier, à Moorea, des chercheurs locaux.
Manhattan Book Review
Ryder Miller
“Looking past the waves, out over the ocean horizon, it is hard not to dream and think about adventure and escape. Seasteading from Joe Quirk with Patri Friedman has such an image on the cover, and the book is a long treatise on how we can make a living and create new seavilizations out there on the big blue.”
“Looking past the waves, out over the ocean horizon, it is hard not to dream and think about adventure and escape. Seasteading from Joe Quirk with Patri Friedman has such an image on the cover, and the book is a long treatise on how we can make a living and create new seavilizations out there on the big blue.”
Faced with rising seas, French Polynesia ponders floating islands
Thomson Reuters Foundation News
Sebastien Malo
“The Pacific nation of French Polynesia, looking for a potential lifeline as global warming takes hold, in January became the first country to sign an agreement to deploy the floating islands off its coast.”
“The Pacific nation of French Polynesia, looking for a potential lifeline as global warming takes hold, in January became the first country to sign an agreement to deploy the floating islands off its coast.”
Floating countries of the future - this could be your new home
Australian Broadcasting Company
Brigid Andersen and Margot O'Neill
“Do you love the ocean? Are you an innovator? Are you sick and tired of old models of government that are stuck in the last century?
“If you answered yes to the above, consider seasteading; it’s like Waterworld but without the mutants.”
“Do you love the ocean? Are you an innovator? Are you sick and tired of old models of government that are stuck in the last century?
“If you answered yes to the above, consider seasteading; it’s like Waterworld but without the mutants.”
The plan to create ocean colonies on the high seas
Margot Oniel
Imagine a cruise ship that never docks which hosts a tiny nation – independently governed and welcoming to innovators. Margot O’Neill explores the brave new world of seasteads.
Imagine a cruise ship that never docks which hosts a tiny nation – independently governed and welcoming to innovators. Margot O’Neill explores the brave new world of seasteads.
Why French Polynesia Could Have the World’s First Floating City
Arcitectual Digest
Nick Mafi
As climate change forces us to reimagine future cities, building floating structures seems to be a realistic proposal
As climate change forces us to reimagine future cities, building floating structures seems to be a realistic proposal
World’s first floating city to be developed in French Polynesia
Dutch water sector
Durch Water Sector
The government of French Polynesia signed an historic agreement that allows the development of the first floating city in a lagoon off its most populated island of Tahiti.
The government of French Polynesia signed an historic agreement that allows the development of the first floating city in a lagoon off its most populated island of Tahiti.
Zu Hause auf dem Ozean
Holger Dambeck
“Der Meeresspiegel und die Grundstückspreise steigen. Warum nicht auf die Ozeane ausweichen? In schwimmenden Städten könnten Tausende Menschen leben – vielleicht sogar als eigenständige Nation.”
“Der Meeresspiegel und die Grundstückspreise steigen. Warum nicht auf die Ozeane ausweichen? In schwimmenden Städten könnten Tausende Menschen leben – vielleicht sogar als eigenständige Nation.”
French Polynesia Plans Floating Island
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
“The French Polynesian government has signed an agreement with the nonprofit organization The Seasteading Institute to cooperate on creating legal frameworkfor the development of a floating island.”
“The French Polynesian government has signed an agreement with the nonprofit organization The Seasteading Institute to cooperate on creating legal frameworkfor the development of a floating island.”
As Climate Change Accelerates, Floating Cities Look Like Less of a Pipe Dream
NY Times
Mike Ives
“You might call it a Noah’s Ark for an era of melting polar ice sheets.”
“You might call it a Noah’s Ark for an era of melting polar ice sheets.”
Le protocole d’accord entre le Pays et le Seasteading Institute dévoilé
“Nous publions en exclusivité le “memorandum of understanding” signé par le Pays et le Seasteading Institute, le fameux projet d’îles flottantes en Polynésie.”
“Nous publions en exclusivité le “memorandum of understanding” signé par le Pays et le Seasteading Institute, le fameux projet d’îles flottantes en Polynésie.”
Plans For World’s First "Floating City" To Be Built In The Pacific In Two Years' Time
IFL Science
Katy Evans
“Once the realm of sci-fi and fantasy, futuristic living suddenly seems to be approaching rather fast. In a time when hoverboards and self-lacing sneakers exist, and cars might be flying by the end of the year, another futuristic entity looks set to become a reality.”
“Once the realm of sci-fi and fantasy, futuristic living suddenly seems to be approaching rather fast. In a time when hoverboards and self-lacing sneakers exist, and cars might be flying by the end of the year, another futuristic entity looks set to become a reality.”
French Polynesia signs first 'floating city' deal
“French Polynesia has signed an agreement that supporters hope could pave the way for autonomous floating cities around the world.”
“French Polynesia has signed an agreement that supporters hope could pave the way for autonomous floating cities around the world.”
Plans for world's first 'floating city' unveiled: Radical designs could be built in the Pacific Ocean in 2019
Daily Mail
Ellie Zolfagharifard
“The government of French Polynesia has signed a deal with Seasteading Institute to begin construction work in just two years.”
“The government of French Polynesia has signed a deal with Seasteading Institute to begin construction work in just two years.”
World's First Floating City to Combat Rising Sea Levels
Lorraine Chow
“Sea level rise is an increasing threat to low-lying island nations around the world. Many islands in French Polynesia could lose their coastlines or even disappear due to global warming.”
“Sea level rise is an increasing threat to low-lying island nations around the world. Many islands in French Polynesia could lose their coastlines or even disappear due to global warming.”
World's first custom-built floating city to rise off French Polynesian waters
ABC News
Stephanie Boltje
“The world’s first floating city could be constructed off the waters of French Polynesia after the Government signed an agreement with a United States company in San Francisco at the weekend.”
“The world’s first floating city could be constructed off the waters of French Polynesia after the Government signed an agreement with a United States company in San Francisco at the weekend.”
Seasteading Institute Comes to Agreement with French Polynesia About Developing a Seastead
Brian Doherty
“If the bureaucratic hurdles can be jumped, a real seastead could be floating in French Polynesian water in 2018.”
“If the bureaucratic hurdles can be jumped, a real seastead could be floating in French Polynesian water in 2018.”
Seasteaders Plan to Build a Libertarian Utopia on the High Seas
Big Think
Philip Perry
“The idea is to build a floating city at least 200 miles off of a country’s coastline.”
“The idea is to build a floating city at least 200 miles off of a country’s coastline.”
Can housing solutions be found on the ocean?
The San Diego Union-Tribune
Joe Mathews
“Why can’t we solve California’s devastating housing shortage?
“Perhaps it’s because the proposed solutions — sprawling construction, denser construction, granny flats, affordable housing mandates, and regulation exemptions — are all built on the same flawed premise: that housing must exist solely on land.”
“Why can’t we solve California’s devastating housing shortage?
“Perhaps it’s because the proposed solutions — sprawling construction, denser construction, granny flats, affordable housing mandates, and regulation exemptions — are all built on the same flawed premise: that housing must exist solely on land.”
Reactions to Trump FDA Chief Rumor: Unmitigated, and Unsupported, Fear of a Libertarian Planet
Brian Doherty
“Jim O’Neill condemned by Gizmodo as “insane” for believing in regulatory techniques that can speed life-saving medicines to market
“Jim O’Neill condemned by Gizmodo as “insane” for believing in regulatory techniques that can speed life-saving medicines to market
Oceantop Living in a Seastead - Realistic, Sustainable, and Coming Soon
James Carli
“Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk recently announced grand – and expensive – plans for humans to populate Mars in the near future. But what if there were a more practical way to inhabit another frontier, using the atmosphere we already have, and in the process to create a platform for developing the tools and innovations to help us adapt to climate change?”
“Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk recently announced grand – and expensive – plans for humans to populate Mars in the near future. But what if there were a more practical way to inhabit another frontier, using the atmosphere we already have, and in the process to create a platform for developing the tools and innovations to help us adapt to climate change?”
“L’ère aquatique” débutera-t-elle au fenua ?
Caroline Perdrix
La Polynésie française accueillera-t-elle la première cité flottante au monde dans le lagon de Raiatea, de Tupai ou dans la baie de Phaëton, à Tahiti ?
La Polynésie française accueillera-t-elle la première cité flottante au monde dans le lagon de Raiatea, de Tupai ou dans la baie de Phaëton, à Tahiti ?
French Polynesia Could become HOme to The Seasteading Institute's First Floating City after Presidential Meeting
Callum Tyndall
“The Seasteading Institute has announced that it met with Édouard Fritch, the President of French Polynesia, in order to discuss the development of a floating city in the region.”
“The Seasteading Institute has announced that it met with Édouard Fritch, the President of French Polynesia, in order to discuss the development of a floating city in the region.”
Un Projet De « Cité Flottante » Présenté Au Pays
Radio 1 Tahiti
Antoine Samoyeau
“Le président Edouard Fritch, entouré d’une grande partie de son gouvernement, ainsi que des maires de Bora Bora et Makemo, a reçu, vendredi, l’équipe de l’Institut Seasteading, menée par Randolph Hencken, directeur exécutif.”
“Le président Edouard Fritch, entouré d’une grande partie de son gouvernement, ainsi que des maires de Bora Bora et Makemo, a reçu, vendredi, l’équipe de l’Institut Seasteading, menée par Randolph Hencken, directeur exécutif.”
Free Cities Podcast interview with Joe Quirk
Free Cities Podcast
Free Cities Podcast
“e 6 I interview Joe Quirk. Joe is a spokesperson for the Seasteading Institute. In the interview we discuss Private Governance, Engineering Challenges, and how Private Maritime Operations currently outperform the government from security to salvage to medicine.”
“e 6 I interview Joe Quirk. Joe is a spokesperson for the Seasteading Institute. In the interview we discuss Private Governance, Engineering Challenges, and how Private Maritime Operations currently outperform the government from security to salvage to medicine.”
Radical Offshore Living Studio
Albert Lou
“This isn’t about going and living off of the ocean without connecting to the greater world’s societies”
“This isn’t about going and living off of the ocean without connecting to the greater world’s societies”
The Seasteading Institute announces 2015 Floating City Project – Architectural Design Contest winners
Lifeboat Foundation
Odette Bohr Dienel
“The Floating City Project – Architectural Design Contest held in the Spring of 2015 was organized in partnership with DeltaSync (Netherlands) and judged by an international panel of experts.”
“The Floating City Project – Architectural Design Contest held in the Spring of 2015 was organized in partnership with DeltaSync (Netherlands) and judged by an international panel of experts.”
Will cities of the future FLOAT? $167 million project using concrete platforms could be home to 300 people by 2020
Daily Mail
Sarah Griffiths
“If waking up to a sea breeze and panoramic ocean views is your idea of heaven, you might consider moving to a floating city.”
“If waking up to a sea breeze and panoramic ocean views is your idea of heaven, you might consider moving to a floating city.”
Seasteaders Meet Honduran ZEDErs in San Francisco to Discuss the Future of Competitive Governance
Brian Doherty
“It was announced today that the Seasteading Institute is bringing Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez to San Francisco to speak about their mutual interests in competitive governance.”
“It was announced today that the Seasteading Institute is bringing Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez to San Francisco to speak about their mutual interests in competitive governance.”
Is the Seasteading Dream Really Dead?
Brian Doherty
“Wired argues that “Silicon Valley is Letting Go of Its Techie Island Fantasies” on insufficient evidence.”
“Wired argues that “Silicon Valley is Letting Go of Its Techie Island Fantasies” on insufficient evidence.”
It’s Happening: Seasteading — Liberty Through Floating Cities
The Tom Woods Show
Tom Woods
Joe Quirk interviewed by Tom Woods on his podcast.
Joe Quirk interviewed by Tom Woods on his podcast.
Daring Dutch documentary “Cybertopia” features Peter Thiel and Randolph Hencken
Dutch TV
Dutch TV
“The City of the Future Bobbing in the Ocean?” with Randolph Hencken
KIJK Magazine
KIJK Magazine
The Seasteading Frontier Podcast with Joe Quirk
RealClear Radio Hour
RealClear Radio Hour
The Seasteading Frontier
Real Clear Radio Hour
Bill Frezza
“Using the cruise industry as a model, Quirk predicts seasteading will become a reality for “aqua-preneurs” by the year 2020.”
“Using the cruise industry as a model, Quirk predicts seasteading will become a reality for “aqua-preneurs” by the year 2020.”
Dobbert de stad van de toekomst in de oceaan?
KIJK Magazine
Abhinabha Tangerman
Een Amerikaanse denktank wil honderden nieuwe stadstaatjes creëren. Locatie: de wereldzeeën. Welkom bij seasteading, wonen in een stad die op de oceaan drijft. Ook in Nederland wordt eraan gewerkt.
Een Amerikaanse denktank wil honderden nieuwe stadstaatjes creëren. Locatie: de wereldzeeën. Welkom bij seasteading, wonen in een stad die op de oceaan drijft. Ook in Nederland wordt eraan gewerkt.
Seasteading Institute Puts Floating City Technology To The Test
Lucy Ingham
“The Seasteading Institute, the most high-profile organisation involved in the development of floating cities, has announced that it has begun testing the technology that forms the basis for its planned floating metropolis.”
“The Seasteading Institute, the most high-profile organisation involved in the development of floating cities, has announced that it has begun testing the technology that forms the basis for its planned floating metropolis.”
Has Floating Architecture’s Moment Finally Arrived?
Next City
Rachel Keeton
“In a quiet, shady street in Rijswijk, the Netherlands, Koen Olthuis and the design team at Waterstudio are changing the world.”
“In a quiet, shady street in Rijswijk, the Netherlands, Koen Olthuis and the design team at Waterstudio are changing the world.”
Seasteading has enormous potential in Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan
“The Director of Communications at the Seasteading Institute Joe Quirk provides insights into the possibilities of seasteading”
“The Director of Communications at the Seasteading Institute Joe Quirk provides insights into the possibilities of seasteading”
The Entrepreneurs Podcast
Daniel Giacopelli
A podcast interview including an interview with Joe Quirk.
A podcast interview including an interview with Joe Quirk.
Are Floating Cities the Wave of the Future?
If Seasteading Is Wrong, Leaving Your Country and Settling Elsewhere Must Also Be Evil
J.D. Tuccille
“Bloomberg published a half gee-whiz, half oh-shit-this-might-happen piece that quoted critics of the idea while conceding the technical barriers are falling away. And seasteading is now being assailed with arguments that would just as handily condemn any sort of emigration by dissidents seeking a better life elsewhere.”
“Bloomberg published a half gee-whiz, half oh-shit-this-might-happen piece that quoted critics of the idea while conceding the technical barriers are falling away. And seasteading is now being assailed with arguments that would just as handily condemn any sort of emigration by dissidents seeking a better life elsewhere.”
For Libertarian Utopia, Float Away on ‘Startup’ Nation
Edward Robinson
“The year is 2024, and Friedman lives on a so-called seastead, a waterbound city of some 1,000 people who produce their own food, their own energy and — most important — their own laws.”
“The year is 2024, and Friedman lives on a so-called seastead, a waterbound city of some 1,000 people who produce their own food, their own energy and — most important — their own laws.”
All Aboard! Could Floating City-States Free From Government Interference Be the Wave of the Future?
Bloomberg Pursuits
Bloomberg Pursuits
The First Floating City “Seastead” with Substantial Autonomy by 2020?
PanAm Post
Tony Escobar
“A market for residential seasteads exists, so says the Seasteading Institute in their newly published “Floating City Project” report (PDF). The 134-page publication — prepared between March 2013 and March 2014 and released on April 25 — is an initiative that seeks to establish the world’s first seastead within territorial waters of a host nation.”
“A market for residential seasteads exists, so says the Seasteading Institute in their newly published “Floating City Project” report (PDF). The 134-page publication — prepared between March 2013 and March 2014 and released on April 25 — is an initiative that seeks to establish the world’s first seastead within territorial waters of a host nation.”
Adam Carolla Becomes a Seasteader Live During Interview with Joe Quirk
The Adam Carolla Show
Adam Carolla
“Joe, I like you, because we’re simpatico on this whole part about competition…I don’t know why we think people, the government, or anyone is going to do the right thing without the incentive and the competition…This whole seasteading thing, man, that just takes it to a whole new strata. That is just absolutely amazing. I love that—I love that—I just love that idea.”
“Joe, I like you, because we’re simpatico on this whole part about competition…I don’t know why we think people, the government, or anyone is going to do the right thing without the incentive and the competition…This whole seasteading thing, man, that just takes it to a whole new strata. That is just absolutely amazing. I love that—I love that—I just love that idea.”
Habitats for Freedom
J.D. Tuccille
“Aiming to develop habitations at sea that are safe and practical while enabling “experimentation with alternative social systems,” the Seasteading Institute has hired the Dutch engineering firm DeltaSync.”
“Aiming to develop habitations at sea that are safe and practical while enabling “experimentation with alternative social systems,” the Seasteading Institute has hired the Dutch engineering firm DeltaSync.”
Floating Farms
modern farmer
Jesse Hirsch
“Thanks to rising sea levels and disappearing soil, agriculture’s future might be all wet.”
“Thanks to rising sea levels and disappearing soil, agriculture’s future might be all wet.”
Worried About Earth? Hit the High Seas
The Tyee
Geoff Dembicki
“Nearly 400 years ago, the English scientist, author and philosopher Francis Bacon wrote of a mysterious island nation in the Pacific Ocean, whose citizens used technology to solve hunger, cure sickness and control the weather.”
“Nearly 400 years ago, the English scientist, author and philosopher Francis Bacon wrote of a mysterious island nation in the Pacific Ocean, whose citizens used technology to solve hunger, cure sickness and control the weather.”
PODCAST: Silicon Galley?
David Brancaccio
“Could Silicon Valley become more of an island? An island is both an outpost with its own rules that’s also a bit cut off from the wider society — a combination of characteristics which emerged during a series of conversations on whether an island of innovation would end up a richer or poorer place if left to its own devices. One startup would like to put a collection of floating dorms and offices just past the limit of current US immigration law, about 12 miles out to sea.”
“Could Silicon Valley become more of an island? An island is both an outpost with its own rules that’s also a bit cut off from the wider society — a combination of characteristics which emerged during a series of conversations on whether an island of innovation would end up a richer or poorer place if left to its own devices. One startup would like to put a collection of floating dorms and offices just past the limit of current US immigration law, about 12 miles out to sea.”
Escape From Political Control
Jerry Brito
“Libertarians may need to engage in politics simply to buy as much time as possible to secure permission for exit paths that are not allowed today.”
“Libertarians may need to engage in politics simply to buy as much time as possible to secure permission for exit paths that are not allowed today.”
Seasteading New Nations Becomes a Practical Engineering Challenge
J.D. Tuccille
“DeltaSync’s Seasteading Implementation Plan works from the premise that early efforts will be anchored in sheltered harbors—specifically, the Gulf of Fonseca, bordering El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua—until more experience is acquired.”
“DeltaSync’s Seasteading Implementation Plan works from the premise that early efforts will be anchored in sheltered harbors—specifically, the Gulf of Fonseca, bordering El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua—until more experience is acquired.”
Clearing Up 3 Big Misconceptions About Seasteading
Business Insider
Dylan Love
“Outside the bounds of the the 193 countries in the United Nations, a seastead would be free to operate its own government any way its population sees fit.”
“Outside the bounds of the the 193 countries in the United Nations, a seastead would be free to operate its own government any way its population sees fit.”
The Next Generation Of Pilgrims Want To Start Their Own Countries That Float At Sea
Business Insider
Dylan Love
“Your hip, politically savvy friends probably say something like this with every election: ‘If [so-and-so] wins, I’m leaving the country.’ “That might soon become so possible that they’ll have to follow through with it.”
“Your hip, politically savvy friends probably say something like this with every election: ‘If [so-and-so] wins, I’m leaving the country.’ “That might soon become so possible that they’ll have to follow through with it.”
Blue Revolution – Seasteading
Sensa Nostra
h+ Interview with Randolph Hencken
h+ Magazine
h+ Magazine
Seasteading: Interview with Randolph Hencken
Humanity+ Magazine
Jesse Barksdale
“If you’re tired of the slow pace of political progress, regretful you weren’t alive to help settle America, or want to explore the high seas without leaving your Xbox behind, read on. Seasteading may be for you!”
“If you’re tired of the slow pace of political progress, regretful you weren’t alive to help settle America, or want to explore the high seas without leaving your Xbox behind, read on. Seasteading may be for you!”
The Seasteading Institute Fundraising for First Floating City Plans at Indiegogo
Red Herring
Red Herring
“Our biggest challenge is getting over this first hurdle, where we get enough people together, enough money together; this can’t be done on the cheap,” says Randolph Hencken of The Seasteading Institute.
“Our biggest challenge is getting over this first hurdle, where we get enough people together, enough money together; this can’t be done on the cheap,” says Randolph Hencken of The Seasteading Institute.
Interview: Randolph Hencken, Executive Director of the Seasteading Institute
Shadow Proof
Dan Wright
“In the wake of a depressed economy and septic political system many Americans are looking for alternatives – both for some solace in the stormy present, as well as for a vision of the future.”
“In the wake of a depressed economy and septic political system many Americans are looking for alternatives – both for some solace in the stormy present, as well as for a vision of the future.”
"Startup Cities," Honduras, and Experiments in Freedom. Professor Tom W. Bell Talks With Reason.
Zach Weissmueller
“Professor Tom W. Bell talks about “startup cities” and experiments in governance.”
“Professor Tom W. Bell talks about “startup cities” and experiments in governance.”
Why do ‘Seasteaders’ love Bitcoin?
Ariella Brown
“Bitcoin represents more than a digital currency. For many adopters, it is a means of breaking free of government and financial institutions’ control over money.”
“Bitcoin represents more than a digital currency. For many adopters, it is a means of breaking free of government and financial institutions’ control over money.”
A Normal Person Attends Libertarian Water Festival Ephemerisle
Brian Doherty
“The story includes reasonable and not obviously biased reports from a Seasteading Institute conference, focused on the legal and technical (and agricultural) ends of the idea, not the living in groovy liberty part.”
“The story includes reasonable and not obviously biased reports from a Seasteading Institute conference, focused on the legal and technical (and agricultural) ends of the idea, not the living in groovy liberty part.”
Seasteading (re Ephemerisle)
N plus One Magazine
Atossa Abrahamian
“Ephemerisle got its libertarian streak from its founders: the event was originally conceived of by the Seasteading Institute, a San Francisco nonprofit that supports the creation of thousands of floating city-states in international waters.”
“Ephemerisle got its libertarian streak from its founders: the event was originally conceived of by the Seasteading Institute, a San Francisco nonprofit that supports the creation of thousands of floating city-states in international waters.”
Why Doesn’t Government Get Better?
Huffington Post
Josiah Tullis
Why Doesn’t Government Get Better? The Case for Experimenting With Microcountries
Josiah Tullis
“Government is a science. Political science is, according to Aristotle, the study of the state. But if governance is a science why don’t we see more experimenting with the state? Why aren’t we trying new things in government? “
“Government is a science. Political science is, according to Aristotle, the study of the state. But if governance is a science why don’t we see more experimenting with the state? Why aren’t we trying new things in government? “
Google CEO Endorses Free Cities-Style Experiments
Reason Staff
“He likened this potential free-experimentation zone to Burning Man and said that we need “some safe places where we can try things and not have to deploy to the entire world.””
“He likened this potential free-experimentation zone to Burning Man and said that we need “some safe places where we can try things and not have to deploy to the entire world.””
Ocean living: A step closer to reality?
Charlie Deist
“Life on the sea has been one of mankind’s enduring visions, but the technology hasn’t been up to the task… until now. Are we on the cusp of housing communities permanently on the ocean?”
“Life on the sea has been one of mankind’s enduring visions, but the technology hasn’t been up to the task… until now. Are we on the cusp of housing communities permanently on the ocean?”
Brian Doherty Discusses Libertarian New City Schemes on Huffington Post Live with Seasteading Institute Founder Patri Friedman
Brian Doherty
“I chatted about some such ideas in the works now (including Seasteading, Honduran free citiees, Glenn Beck’s Texas redoubt, and a hoped-for libertarian buyout of Detroit’s Belle Island) on Huffington Post Live on Friday, with host Jim Poulos and fellow guests Patri Friedman (founder of the Seasteading Institute) and Christina Heller, maker of the documentary Libertopia, which focused on the Free State Project.”
“I chatted about some such ideas in the works now (including Seasteading, Honduran free citiees, Glenn Beck’s Texas redoubt, and a hoped-for libertarian buyout of Detroit’s Belle Island) on Huffington Post Live on Friday, with host Jim Poulos and fellow guests Patri Friedman (founder of the Seasteading Institute) and Christina Heller, maker of the documentary Libertopia, which focused on the Free State Project.”
Blueseed: Getting Around Visa Requirements for Fun and Profit
Brian Doherty
“Blueseed, a company spun off by former associates of the Seasteading Institute, is a step closer to a functional tech-company campus floating in international waters off of the coast of Silicon Valley as they announced last week some venture capital funding (in yet unspecified amounts).”
“Blueseed, a company spun off by former associates of the Seasteading Institute, is a step closer to a functional tech-company campus floating in international waters off of the coast of Silicon Valley as they announced last week some venture capital funding (in yet unspecified amounts).”
Don't Like The Government? Make Your Own, On International Waters
NPR All Things Considered
Laura Sydell
A group of rich techies in Northern California is planning on starting its own nation on artificial islands in the ocean. They call themselves “seasteaders” and are sort of a mix between geeks and hippies.
A group of rich techies in Northern California is planning on starting its own nation on artificial islands in the ocean. They call themselves “seasteaders” and are sort of a mix between geeks and hippies.
Another Blow to the Cause of Honduran "Free Cities": Future Cities Development Organization Closing Up Shop
Brian Doherty
“Future Cities Development, a company dedicated to helping create “free cities” within the nation of Honduras to demonstrate the business and social advantages of competitive governance, has folded.”
“Future Cities Development, a company dedicated to helping create “free cities” within the nation of Honduras to demonstrate the business and social advantages of competitive governance, has folded.”
Moon? Mars? No, it's seaward ho!
New Scientist
New Scientist
“Those who push the idea are often dismissed as libertarian fantasists. The seasteading movement has its fair share of those, but it is also home to pioneers longing to conquer a new frontier.”
“Those who push the idea are often dismissed as libertarian fantasists. The seasteading movement has its fair share of those, but it is also home to pioneers longing to conquer a new frontier.”
Is the sea the next frontier for high-frequency trading?
Financial News
Michelle Price
“New water-based locations for trading servers could enable firms to fully optimise their trading strategies.”
“New water-based locations for trading servers could enable firms to fully optimise their trading strategies.”
My Sunset Cruise With the Clever, Nutty, Techno-Libertarian Seasteading Gurus
Mother Jones
Josh Harkinson
“The vision: floating, autonomous city-states to bring about a social “Cambrian explosion”—without taxes or pesky regulators.”
“The vision: floating, autonomous city-states to bring about a social “Cambrian explosion”—without taxes or pesky regulators.”
Start-up Nations on the High Seas
Adam Piore
“Autonomous communities, floating in international waters, would allow political pioneers to test novel forms of government.”
“Autonomous communities, floating in international waters, would allow political pioneers to test novel forms of government.”
Center for International Maritime Security interviews The Seasteading Institute
Interview with The Seasteading Institute
Center for International Maritime Security
Scott C-P
“While not short of enthusiasim or imaginination, the non-profit Seasteading Institute, founded in 2008, has set about to make the dream of colonization of the seas, or seasteading, a reality through practical steps and grounded analysis.”
“While not short of enthusiasim or imaginination, the non-profit Seasteading Institute, founded in 2008, has set about to make the dream of colonization of the seas, or seasteading, a reality through practical steps and grounded analysis.”
Getting Around Big Government: The Seastead Revolution Begins to Take Shape
Doug Bandow
“But it may be possible to leapfrog government entirely. Imagine “seasteading”—living on a floating city outside of any country’s jurisdiction.”
“But it may be possible to leapfrog government entirely. Imagine “seasteading”—living on a floating city outside of any country’s jurisdiction.”
Seasteading in the Eyes of Mother Jones
Brian Doherty
“Mother Jones’s Josh Harkinson (who tends to cover the libertarian-oid beat for them) attends the latest conference of the Seasteading Institute, and finds–surprise!–people with unusual views, and of course he leads with the one most likely to make his audience mistrust the subject.”
“Mother Jones’s Josh Harkinson (who tends to cover the libertarian-oid beat for them) attends the latest conference of the Seasteading Institute, and finds–surprise!–people with unusual views, and of course he leads with the one most likely to make his audience mistrust the subject.”
Kiribati Buying Land from Dictatorship to Flee Rising Sea Levels
Nick Sibilla
“Instead of relocating to Fiji, Kiribati should consider Seasteading, autonomous communities that would based in international waters.”
“Instead of relocating to Fiji, Kiribati should consider Seasteading, autonomous communities that would based in international waters.”
Citizenship for Sale: St. Kitts and Nevis, Plus Seasteading
Nick Sibilla
“St. Kitts and Nevis is one of only two nations, along with the island of Dominica, that formally sell citizenship.”
“St. Kitts and Nevis is one of only two nations, along with the island of Dominica, that formally sell citizenship.”
Blueseed: The Googleplex of the Sea
Anthony Fisher
“Marty believes that his seasteading venture Blueseed “is the solution to a problem” created by the archaic U.S. visa system”
“Marty believes that his seasteading venture Blueseed “is the solution to a problem” created by the archaic U.S. visa system”
Peter Thiel Convenes His League Of Extraordinary Wackaloons
Brian Caulfield
“In Silicon Valley crazy doesn’t get you committed. It gets you noticed. It gets you funded. It gets you rich. Crazy is even a corporate rallying cry. As the late Steve Jobs said: here’s to the crazy ones.”
“In Silicon Valley crazy doesn’t get you committed. It gets you noticed. It gets you funded. It gets you rich. Crazy is even a corporate rallying cry. As the late Steve Jobs said: here’s to the crazy ones.”
Seasteaders Take to the Land in Honduras
Brian Doherty
“Seasteading guru Patri Friedman has stepped down from the Seasteading Institute (which still promotes the creation of floating new nations to experiment with different governance systems) and is now running Future Cities Development, Inc., dedicated to creating charter cities with their own governance systems within the borders of Honduras.”
“Seasteading guru Patri Friedman has stepped down from the Seasteading Institute (which still promotes the creation of floating new nations to experiment with different governance systems) and is now running Future Cities Development, Inc., dedicated to creating charter cities with their own governance systems within the borders of Honduras.”
Cities on the ocean
“Seasteading: Libertarians dream of creating self-ruling floating cities. But can the many obstacles, not least the engineering ones, be overcome?”
“Seasteading: Libertarians dream of creating self-ruling floating cities. But can the many obstacles, not least the engineering ones, be overcome?”
Seasteading Institute: Billionaire backer doesn’t ‘dictate’ our island-state plans
Yahoo! News
Liz Goodwin
“The Seasteading Institute remains steadfast about being apolitical and desires to see the creation of thousands of innovative governments on seasteads competing for citizens.”
“The Seasteading Institute remains steadfast about being apolitical and desires to see the creation of thousands of innovative governments on seasteads competing for citizens.”
10 innovative ideas that let us live on water
Laura Moss
“Whether you’re concerned that your home will be soon be beachfront property, or you’ve simply always wanted to live life at sea, you don’t want to miss these groundbreaking (water-breaking?) designs.”
“Whether you’re concerned that your home will be soon be beachfront property, or you’ve simply always wanted to live life at sea, you don’t want to miss these groundbreaking (water-breaking?) designs.”
Is Seasteading the Future?
John Stossel
“Here’s a novel idea: Escape the suffocating chains of intrusive government by starting your own country!”
“Here’s a novel idea: Escape the suffocating chains of intrusive government by starting your own country!”
Back to the Future with Peter Thiel
National Review
Matthew Shaffer
“THIEL: There’s a technological question about how far away we are from these kinds of things. It’s probably not around the corner. But these technological projects are worth pursuing.”
“THIEL: There’s a technological question about how far away we are from these kinds of things. It’s probably not around the corner. But these technological projects are worth pursuing.”
Names You Need To Know In 2011: Patri Friedman
Clare O'Connor
Patri Friedman is aware that his idea sounds crazy. The former Google engineer and grandson of Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman wants to build “start-up countries”: autonomous dwellings in the middle of the ocean, starting with a brand new independent city-state off the California coast.
Patri Friedman is aware that his idea sounds crazy. The former Google engineer and grandson of Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman wants to build “start-up countries”: autonomous dwellings in the middle of the ocean, starting with a brand new independent city-state off the California coast.
20,000 Nations Above the Sea
Brian Doherty
“Ideas evolve quickly along the Friedman family tree. The late Milton Friedman, an economist at the University of Chicago, was one of the 20th century’s most respected and influential advocates for classical liberalism.”
“Ideas evolve quickly along the Friedman family tree. The late Milton Friedman, an economist at the University of Chicago, was one of the 20th century’s most respected and influential advocates for classical liberalism.”
Live Free or Drown: Floating Utopias on the Cheap
Chris Baker
Patri Friedman wants to make it easy for anyone to build an independent country: “If we make one seastead, there’s room for thousands.”
Patri Friedman wants to make it easy for anyone to build an independent country: “If we make one seastead, there’s room for thousands.”
Homesteading on the High Seas
Katherine Mangu-Ward
“The idea is to get out into international waters and set up a floating outpost (or 12, or 1,200) from which people can come and go, experimenting with different types of legal, social, and contractual arrangements.”
“The idea is to get out into international waters and set up a floating outpost (or 12, or 1,200) from which people can come and go, experimenting with different types of legal, social, and contractual arrangements.”
New Waterworld Order
Kenneth Silber
“Having an address in international waters, or simply the capability to move readily from one harbor to another, inevitably will give a powerful new meaning to “offshore” markets and tax havens.”
“Having an address in international waters, or simply the capability to move readily from one harbor to another, inevitably will give a powerful new meaning to “offshore” markets and tax havens.”
Home Is the Ocean
Will Barkley
“I believe that oceanic settlers will be the scientific and technological leaders of the world a few years hence.”
“I believe that oceanic settlers will be the scientific and technological leaders of the world a few years hence.”