Patri Friedman Speaking at TEDx “Big Blue” in San Francisco, April 12

The stars have aligned to bring The Seasteading Institute an opportunity to present our vision of ocean-based communities to a near-ideal audience: Next month, the independently-organized TEDx Big Blue event will convene lovers of both oceans and world-changing ideas right in our backyard, where attendees will hear directly from our founder and Chairman of the Board, Patri Friedman, about the Institute’s mission and strategy for creating a new frontier for experimentation with political and social systems. As an added benefit, the event will prime local interest in our vision just prior to the year’s flagship event, The Seasteading Conference, also taking place in San Francisco.

The TED slogan “ideas + people + action = a world of change” is closely linked to the aims of the seasteading movement, which makes us confident our message will be welcomed by the crowd. The Big Blue event is meant to address how humans can harness the ocean for the greatest good, and will feature presentations by prominent figures engaged in ambitious projects ranging from environmental preservation to seafloor mapping and exploration. Many of these initiatives stand to benefit from our complementary efforts to create permanent establishments in the open ocean, but perhaps none of them have as much potential as seasteading to revolutionize the ways we interact with the ocean, as well as the way people govern themselves across the world. We are eager to make new connections, and to learn about new ways for seasteading to benefit humanity.

This will Patri’s third TEDx talk. The previous two events were held in Del Mar, in 2010, and in Hong Kong, last Fall. Tickets are available here — we hope to see you there!


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