Ocean Living with No Compromises with Michael Eliot

Michael Eliot is the founder of Ventive Floathouse. He is working on a ⅛ scale prototype of his uniquely designed floating home.

Michael tells us about learning how to build the very home he grew up in. Then he read Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson and was inspired by the floating community described in that novel. When he heard about the Blueseed project to create a startup community located on a cruise ship near the coast of Silicon Valley, he started thinking seriously about how to build comfortable floating homes to support a growing seastead community.

Michael takes us through his thought processes in designing his floating home and his goal of making a floating house that makes no compromises. He designed for worst case scenarios and maximum comfort. He references an article listing the 10 things people hate about living on a boat.

He shares some of the valuable lessons he learned from exploring different manufacturing methods and materials.

Michael tells about his experiences as a startup business founder trying to get funding to develop his project. We also discuss the many applications for the Ventive Floathouse and market potential.

You can follow updates from Ventive Floathouse on their website and their subReddit.

Listen to Joe Quirk’s interview with Michael Eliot about geopolymer concrete on a previous episode of the Seasteading Today podcast.

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