Novel Writing Prep Course 2022

We are bringing back the Seasteading Novelists Program! This year, we want to support you as you write 50,000 words, as long as you include seasteading somehow in your story!

We will follow the lesson plan provided by NaNoWriMo: “NaNo Prep 101”

We’ll meet every two weeks starting in September. Complete your lessons and email them to Development Director Carly Jackson by the due date. Carly will anonymize your assignment to share with the group to be discussed at the next meeting.

During the fourth meeting, we will plan out writing sprints and other accountability activities we can do to support your writing.

Feel free to RSVP even if you don’t think you will be able to complete all the assignments or attend all the meetings! Just do what you can.

Novelists Program Overview

  • Prep Course (September 12-October 24)
  • NaNoWriMo (November)
  • Follow-up (December 1-15)

Prep Course Detailed Schedule

September 15, 5PM Pacific: First Meeting to get to know each other and go over the schedule.

Session 1: Develop a Story Idea You’re Passionate About, due by September 18.

Session 2: Create Complex, Believable Characters, due by September 25

September 29, 5PM Pacific: Second Meeting to review first two assignments

Session 3: Create a Detailed Plot or Outline, due by October 2

Session 4: Build a Strong World for Your Characters, due by October 9

October 13, 5PM Pacific: Third meeting to review third and fourth assignments

Session 5: Organize Your Life to Support Your Writing Goals, due by October 16

Session 6: Find, Schedule and Manage Your Time, due by October 23

October 27, 5PM Pacific: Fourth meeting to review last two assignments and plan writing sprints for November
