Floating Home 3d Warehouse challenge
Google’s 3D Warehouse for SketchUp models has a weekly challenge. Last week’s was to model a floating home.
Google’s 3D Warehouse for SketchUp models has a weekly challenge. Last week’s was to model a floating home.
Mark Twain: “Buy land. They’ve stopped making it.”
Seasteaders: “Memo: Production Resuming.”
Wayne had an awesome idea today for a demo device we could build in the Bay, we call it the sea-elevator (sealevator?).
As the project has been getting more active lately, Wayne & I are going to start meeting more on Wednesday’s. We had an interesting design discussion about some of his thoughts on spar construction, Personal Seasteads, and detachable spars. Highlights:
One of the things I’ve been writing up lately is a pitch to libertarians about why they should see seasteading as the most promising road to a libertarian society. Part of this is an analysis of proposed alternatives, such as the Free State Project.
Our previous blog was http://seasteading.livejournal.com/, which has many years of old content. We will no longer be updating it, but it has some interesting discussions.