
Snippets through 9/2/2008

  • Community
    • Added a box to the front page listing upcoming GTGs, with a module that automatically parses our Calendar.  Yay for standards that let web services play nicely together!
    • The German magazine Cicero: “Magazin Für Politische Kultur” is interested in doing an in-depth story this fall.
    • Please use the wiki to keep technical notes after a discussion!

Bay Area seasteading socials

We’re going to start having seasteading socials around the bay area, about once a month, to talk / network / brainstorm / etc w/ like-minded people. I’ve created a meetup group, the first one will be in SF on Wed 8/27. These will be much smaller & less organized than the conference in October.  Go to the meetup for more info.

Conference Wiki Signup

I made a wiki signup page for the conference (October 10th in Burlingame, CA, USA).  So far it’s just me on there, so please add yourselves :).  Also, we could use a couple more people to help organize and run the conference, if you are interested please email .


I’d like to use this blog partly for feedback on our ideas, but posts don’t seem to get a lot of comments.  If anyone is out there, can you comment on why that is?  :).  What changes would make you comment more?  Is it the subject matter, the interface, or something else?