Novel Writing Prep Course 2022
We are bringing back the Seasteading Novelists Program! This year, we want to support you as you write 50,000 words, as long as you include seasteading somehow in your story!
We are bringing back the Seasteading Novelists Program! This year, we want to support you as you write 50,000 words, as long as you include seasteading somehow in your story!
Seasteading Today host interviews the founders of Ethos Island, Wil Otey and Jan Spiekermann in this episode.
Cameron Newland is building a pre-stead in the Northern Arizona desert, called Camp Liberty, and he is inviting seasteading enthusiasts to come and build homes in the desert with technology that can be used on the ocean.
A lot has changed since our podcast interview with Grant Romundt, CEO of Ocean Builders. In this interview with Connor Firmender, the Director of Business Development for Ocean Builders, we… Read More »Launch Phase with Connor Firmender
Episode 15 of the Seasteading Today podcast features Brendon Traxler, founder of Atlantis Sea Colony. He is building a prototype for an underwater habitat.
Award-winning interior designer Morgan Ræ joins Seasteading Today host Carly Jackson to talk about designing interiors for floating structures.
The #EcoPod and #SeaPod are for tiny home pioneers interested in building sustainable communities on the ocean.
Episode 13 of the Seasteading Today podcast features Mason and Ryota, founders of Atlas Island.
Join us on August 20 for our next Seasteading Social! We will talk with Tony Olsen, founder of Freedom Haven, about his strategy for attracting supporters at PorcFest.
Subscribe now to the Seasteading Today podcast and don’t miss an episode of Season 4 on Aquapreneurs!