
TSI Website development volunteers needed!

Our volunteer website development team needs more help!

Developers: We’ve got a lot of great community-building features we’d like to build — forum upgrades, UI improvements, photo feeds, digg-style ratings for blog and forum posts, donation functionality, and lots more. The bottleneck right now is programmer time. Drupal or PHP experience are a huge plus, but enthusiasm and a willingness to learn is all that’s required!

Seasteading and Optimism

From Max More’s excellent essay on dynamic optimism:

You may be against many things: crime, war, being overweight, the budget deficit, intolerance, aging. Optimists restate anything they oppose in positive terms. Rather than being against government, be for liberty and responsibility. Rather than being against your company or office manager, be for making improvements. Instead of saying no to drugs, say yes to healthy pleasures.

Conference DVDs are available!

The DVD’s for the first Seasteading Conference are here! Couldn’t attend the conference? Now is your chance to see what you missed! The two volume set includes footage from all of the sessions:

November 2008 Snippets

Welcome to The Seasteading Institute’s November Update!  We’ve been busy, and so there is lots of material.  We are making lots of progress and, as always, needs lots of help.