
Wired article is online!


Several dozen conference-goers are filing into the Mendocino Room of the Embassy Suites Hotel in Burlingame, a San Francisco suburb, arming themselves with coffee and muffins as they shuffle to their seats. It’s the kind of scene that occurs daily—if not hourly—in the Bay Area, where techies and businesspeople forever squeeze into drab meeting rooms to discuss how they are going to change the world.

TSI in Wired Magazine

February’s issue of Wired Magazine, which just hit the newsstands, contains an article about TSI starting on page 58. It is also available online.

It includes a picture of the 200-guest resort platform which MI&T designed for us, and which we patented last week. We weren’t expecting this article for a few more days, and we’ve been working hard on several site changes that we’ll be launching for y’all next week.

London Seasteaders?

I’ve decided I’m going to a conference in Durham (NE UK, close to Scotland) April 1-3. I will probably hit London for a couple days afterwards. I would very much like to give one or more seastead talks while I am in London – or at the very least, do a meetup at a pub. Anyone in London who’d be interested in helping me arrange something? Email .

Seasteading quotes

We’re looking for quotes for the front page that capture the essence of seasteading. Things like:

  • “If you want to build a ship, do not drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. – André Gide
  • I am interested in politics so that someday I will not have to be interested in politics. – Unknown

Please comment here with your ideas.

December 2008 Newsletter

Happy New Year! We here at The Seasteading Institute have been working hard over the holidays to ensure that future years have more hope and possibility for innovative societies than past ones. Here’s what we did in December:

Need help generating speaking engagements and seasteading socials

I will be making a number of trips in 2009 for TSI-related business and speaking engagements, and I need your help to maximize the number of people I can meet and reach on each of these trips. There are two major ways you can help:

  1. Get a talk or speaking engagement for me. Groups that might be interested include futurists, transhumanists, libertarians, and engineering & architecture departments at local colleges or universities.