
TSI Website Team Manager

From James:

The TSI website is a cornerstone of our strategy to grow the seasteading movement over the next several years. It is one of our primary ways of communicating our message to people unfamiliar with seasteading, and it serves as a community hub for enthusiasts active in the seasteading movement. There’s a lot of software development and maintenance involved in making it the most effective community-building tool possible.

We’re looking for a volunteer to manage our website development team.

A bunch of rich white guys? So were the founding fathers – and their success brought freedom to everyone.

(This is new entry for our extended FAQ section in the book, written by TSI’s Director of Development Liz Lacy)

Recently I saw a blog post from someone who had heard about seasteading and was turned off by the idea, describing it as “a bunch of rich, entitled white guys wanting even more freedom and entitlement.” Now, I can understand that response, in fact I’d be lying if I didn’t say that my first response to the idea was somewhat similar.

Volunteer overload – You rock!

I just wanted to share a recent email from James, our Director of Operations and Volunteer Coordinator, to current volunteers:

Hello TSI volunteers,

I’d like to give you a quick heads up about the progress of our volunteer program. This past week has been phenomenal — between our recent press coverage in Wired and CNET, and our networking at the BIL conference, we’ve doubled the size of our active volunteer team from about 10-20 people.

Poll on 2009 Conference and Ephemerisle

This year we are starting conference work much earlier, so it will be bigger and better and less rushed. Also because Ephemerisle is a major, major undertaking which requires tons of coordination and planning.

We are working on the dates for these events, and we need your input. Please fill out this poll. (And there will probably be more polls to come as we continue to fill in the details. After all, the conference is for you, so we care what you want!)

Patri mixes it up w/ some FSPers on Free Talk Live

There is a lot in common between the Free State Project and Seasteading. Both have their origins in people who are fed up with traditional political activism, tired of talking about better government, and ready to start living it. I am developing a talk for libertarians for my upcoming speaking tours where I analyze methods of changing governments, why the standard ones (proselytizing, policy activism) don’t work, and why structural change is needed. Why it’s time for action, not for more debating.

Water-powered jet pack

A seastead resort would of course have air and water sports equipment for vacationers. This would make a nice addition – a water-powered jet pack! Imagine doing this on the ocean…

January 2009 Newsletter

Welcome to TSI’s January 2009 Newsletter. As the staff, membership, and worldwide interest in seasteading keep growing, we continue to have more and more for you each month.

Website issues – February 2nd

Unfortunately, our hosting provider (Dreamhost) seems to not work well with high-traffic Drupal sites. The site has been down on and off all day, due to traffic from the CNET piece this morning. Our heroic sysadmin Ben disabled logins so that the site could be served from a cache, which helped. You may have problems logging in, and posting comments or threads in the forum.