
Seasteading R&D Company Looking For Investors

Hadean is a seasteading R&D company based in Singapore. Our goal is to create technology that will enable floating, indefinitely self-sustaining sovereign entities on the sea by 2024.

Our belief is that business and not political ideology, will be the driving force that makes affordable seasteading a reality. To that end, our focus until 2015 will be developing and implementing new methods and infrastructure for aquaculture that will enable them to function efficiently without input from the land.

Website Downtime

Last Thursday, our hosting provider had some problems which resulted in being down for some time–more than half a day. But not to worry–we’re back and none the worse for wear. We didn’t need to go to backups, so none of your discussions should be lost.

As always, we want to know about any problems. Please report any issues to !

WindWard Looks Seaward: Incremental Developments in Energy and Community

Early in February, I met with Opalyn Brenger and Walt Patrick of WindWard, founders and caretakers of a sustainability research community in the middle of beautiful Washington State. They brought me to witness the final triumphant hours of an intensive weekend-long gasification workshop taking place at All Power Labs in Berkeley, California, where attendees and mentors were subverting modern diesel engines to the gasification techniques of the 1890s.

Seasteading IMO and CLASS

This brief report studies the relationship between the seasteading concept and the rules applied at sea: mainly the relation with IMO and the Classification Societies. The author is not an expert in each of the subjects, but has tried to give a general overview of the concepts. Research should be conducted more deeply together with each of the organisms. Any type of feedback is greatly appreciated.

The Seasteading Institute March 2010 Newsletter

A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Even so, life is but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts. And the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching. Sivananda