
Sorry for the downtime!

As some of you noticed, the site was down over the weekend due to a scheduled upgrade at our hosting provider. Our apologies for not warning you about this in advance. All better now.

Dynamic Positioning System vs Mooring System

One of the main disadvantages of dynamic positioning systems when compared to mooring systems, is the fuel costs incurred in operation. But it is necessary to quantify that difference in order to make an informed choice between the two possibilities: mooring or dynamic positioning.

Recommended Reading for The Seastead View Of Politics

Hey everyone, I just wanted to remind those who don’t follow our sister blog Let A Thousand Nations Bloom that it has a great list of recommended reading for background in my unique angle on political theory and public choice, with writing by Mancur Olson, David Friedman, Arnold Kling, and many others, including myself.

Recommended Seastead Political Reading Here

I also created an

Container Cities

Reader hd passes on a link about shipping container homes from Urban Space Management, a group of builders in London who are building entire communities, schools, and farmer’s markets using old freight containers:

Advantages of offshore concrete structures

Although traditional shipbuilding uses steel for almost the whole structure, concrete has also been used in the past in a few vessels. But in the last years, the offshore industry has been discovering the great possibilities that concrete presents as compared to steel, and it is being used in more and more projects, such as floating LNG terminals and in the development of the MOB concept (Mobile Offshore Base), as shown on the picture.

The Seasteading Institute May 2010 Newsletter

Highlights of this months: Jim Von Ehr Donates $100,000 to TSI Ephemerisle 2010: Making Headway Seasteading Conference on a Cruise! — Save the Date Donor Profile: Nicolas Germineau Max Marty Returns to Lead Commercial Seasteading Summer Intern Tony Dreher Coming Aboard

Nanotech Pioneer Takes Plunge Toward Settling the Sea

Jim Von Ehr donates $100,000 to The Seasteading Institute

Not all nanotechnology entrepreneurs think small. Jim Von Ehr, founder and CEO of Zyvex Labs–a leading nanotech company–recently gave $100,000 to The Seasteading Institute (TSI) toward the goal of creating independent communities on the open ocean.