
Reminder: Active review work happening on seasteading book!

Just a quick reminder that if you’d like to read drafts of the seasteading book outline, book proposal (including sample chapters), and eventually the book itself, subscribe to the TSI Book Feedback Mailing List. Participants have already reviewed the first half: “Why Seastead?”, and are about to review the second half: “How to Seastead”. Your feedback can help make this book a success!

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Review of Micronation Film Highlights Seasteading Vision

In Jody Shapiro’s documentary, How to Start Your Own Country, The Seasteading Institute discusses the importance of opening the oceans as a new frontier for the founding of autonomous communities. An eight-minute portion of the documentary is dedicated to interviews with executive director Patri Friedman and seasteading engineers, with examples of seastead designs from our design contest.

Pneumatically Stabilized Platform, PSP

If we want to create a Very Large Floating Structure, VLFS, in the open ocean, and as commented in the previous blog, we need a type of structure that attenuates the waves. Semisubmersibles are ideal for that, as in the MOB. But other ideas and technologies are also being developed. The very well known Pneumatically Stabilized Platform, PSP, is a very promising structure.

VLFS, Very Large Floating Structures

Very large floating structure(s) (VLFS(s)) (or, as some literature refers to them, very large floating platform(s), VLFP(s) for short) can be constructed to create floating airports, bridges, breakwaters, piers and docks, storage facilities (for oil & natural gas), wind and solar power plants, for military purposes, to create industrial space, emergency bases, entertainment facilities (such as casinos), recreation parks, mobile offshore structures and even for habitation.