Seasteading Featured on CBS News
The Seasteading Institute was recently featured on CBS Sunday Morning News. The segment includes an interview with Patri Friedman and lots of info about TSI, all set to a cool animation!
The Seasteading Institute was recently featured on CBS Sunday Morning News. The segment includes an interview with Patri Friedman and lots of info about TSI, all set to a cool animation!
The Seasteading Institute is seeking a Director of Operations who will help translate our world-changing vision into solid, predictable results. This individual will be responsible for a variety of key projects across all areas of our strategy, including research, communications, fundraising, event management, and more.
Friedman’s vision isn’t based in fiction, it’s based in reality.
Friedman is confident that 2011 is the year he’ll be able to change some minds, starting with those who feel politically marginalized.
This brief report , State of the Art of Oceanic Industry for the Establishment of Autonomous Ocean Communities, studies the first point of the potential areas of research for seasteading purposes. This is, we do a brief introduction to the how the oceanic industry can solve nowadays the problem of living in the middle of ocean in the form of permanent establishments.
We’ve had about 30 draft submissions to our Sink or Swim contest. Contestants now have until Dec 5th to submit their final revisions to us at . Until then, we’d like to encourage everyone to join the discussion over at our Sink or Swim partner page on HumanIPO. HumanIPO is a novel way to collaborate on business plan and start-up creation.
TSI has published its first research paper on seastead governance. Written by economics intern and Thousand Nations author Brad Taylor, the paper covers a range of topics from policy models to structures of governance. From the paper’s introduction:
(We’d like to apologize for the delay in formally making this announcement. Some of you who are in the Ephemerisle community may have already heard about it informally. We have been behind on our communications over the last couple of months.)
The Seasteading Institute has made the reluctant decision to table its Ephemerisle program at this time. We are not currently planning events for 2011 or beyond.
The Green Float Project is a highly ambitious amphibious development that involves the large-scale construction of numerous artificial rafts to make an enormous sustainable floating city while suppporting the world’s tallest building – a 1km high tower; it is part of the Shimizu’s Dream, a corporate vision of the future from engine
People often ask me how I spend my time. Seasteading, after all, is a complex and audacious goal, and it isn’t immediately clear to most people exactly how someone would advance it. As it turns out, I’ve been tracking my time by project for the last couple months as an experiment in productivity enhancement. So while we’re working on improving our strategy documentation and 2011 plans, which we’ll of course share with you, I can actually tell you exactly what I spend most of my time on!