
Join Patri and Brad for an online chat in “The Idea Room,” Tues, March 8, 2 PM ET/11 AM PT

Join Patri Friedman, Brad Taylor, and The Freeman, March 8 at 2 pm eastern for a 45-minute online chat about the market for governance and seasteading. Patri’s and Brad’s article, “Seasteading: Striking at the Root of Bad Government,” appeared in the March issue of The Freeman. The article alleges that the current market for governance is dominated by a group of large geographical monopolies not subject to competition.

The Streets of Monaco

Cruise/yacht designers and operators are trying whenever possible to deliver something different into the cruise and yacht industry. One of these new ideas is themed yachts and cruise ships. The art of producing a themed cruise ship or yacht is to seamlessly weave a story into every element of the design, and it’s achieved through an extensive consultation with the client during the initial phases of the design process.