
The Seasteading Institute July 2011 Newsletter

Our vision for seasteading is to improve government through competition, and my personal talents lie in seeing possibilities and starting initiatives. Many groups and organizations in the past have tried their hand at the audacious task of creating innovative societies, and I saw the possibility for seasteading to powerfully advance this idea with our unique approach…

Engineering report released: “Parametric Analysis of Candidate Configurations for Early Seastead Platforms…”

For the past half-year or so, The Seasteading Institute has been toiling away on an engineering study that’s aimed at identifying the most promising configurations for early seastead communities. We’ve looked at three different hull configurations (ship, barge and semi-submersible) in a range of sizes to accommodate as few as 100 to as many as 5,000 seasteaders.

Wanted: Seasteading Stories from the Future

Wanted: Seasteading Stories from the Future


Can you write an inspiring article from the future illustrating how seasteading has improved humanity? If so, we want your submission. The best stories will be featured on our revised website later in the year.

Here’s what talented writers need to know when they draft their entries:

The Seasteading Institute Seeks GIS Specialist

The Seasteading Institute is seeking a GIS Specialist to evaluate potential seasteading locations. We have a GIS data model which we use to evaluate potential seasteading locations. We need somebody proficient with GRASS (preferably) or ArcGIS who is able to fulfill occasional requests to implement changes to the model, run the model, and prepare the outputs.

The ideal candidate should: