What does Seasteading mean to you?
Seasteading means the opening of new frontiers and making something happen that has never been done before.
Seasteading means the opening of new frontiers and making something happen that has never been done before.
There is more hurricane-free space on the ocean than there is land in all of Asia and North America.
Seasteading is a source of optimism for many people on the islands.
Seasteading will produce surprising innovations that we can’t possibly imagine.
I read this book with enormous pleasure. No fallacy can stop the power of an idea that has been articulated by a leader who can make it happen. The startup… Read More »Landsteading? Read “Free Private Cities” by Titus Gebel
In 1970, cruise ships were a luxury for rich people only. Now they’re cheaper per night than many coastal hotels. In 1990, cell phones were for the rich. Now children… Read More »Seasteading! Only for the Rich?
Tsunamis are luckily harmless on the deep sea. They’re only destructive when they reach land.
oil rigs and cruise ships are safe from pirates, and seasteads will be, too. There’s a flourishing industry of private security firms protecting thousands of ships on the ocean right now. They are far better equipped than pirates, and pirates have never boarded a ship with a private security team.
Check out this new Seasteading song titled Steading Out to Sea by SirRiffsAlot on Soundcloud. Share with friends. If you download and re-mix it, please credit SirRiffsAlot, add link back… Read More »New Song: Steading Out to Sea