
“If it’s not profitable, it’s not sustainable”

Cleaning up our waste is important, but we must also change the systems we use to provide humanity with food and energy. To restore fish populations, reduce the acidity of the ocean, and remove pollutants will require the ingenuity of many people testing out their solutions to see what works. Humans need food, fuel, and clean water. The goal of seasteading is to provide for those needs while also restoring the environment.

Seasteading! Why Startup Societies?

In this video, Joe McKinney of the Startup Societies Foundation explains on the Tom Woods Show why he is ready to stop arguing in the political arena and start building new communities that set examples for good governance.

Eating Like a Seasteader: Oysteravaganza

Are you getting enough DHA? Seafood may be the best medicine for neural issues, cognitive decline, and difficulty paying attention because it contains this potent Omega-3 fatty acid found in only a few foods.