Watch my presentation from the 2024 Liberty in our Lifetime Conference in Prague:
I got a bit carried away. I did a Pete Townsend. I was speaking at the Liberty in Our Lifetime Conference when I smashed two microphones at the podium.
Hey, I was trying to make a point. Two seasteads are floating in Panama and the Philippines, and we need to flag them fast.
If Chad and Nadia’s prototype outside Thailand had secured a maritime flag (which was the plan) the military attack would have been an act of war against the flagging state.
Maritime flags will allow all seasteaders to secure government protection without inducing government control.
It’s a beautiful legal hack.
On behalf of all the seasteading companies we inspired, our nonprofit must secure the first flag for seasteads.
Our volunteers from the ocean industry have helped us work out the budget for the first year. So far we’re a third of the way there. Can you help?
Check out Massimo Mazzone’s reaction to Joe Quirk’s presentation at the Liberty in our Lifetime Conference below. Mazzone has been involved with ZEDEs in Honduras, running Ciudad Morazán, a charter city and the second ZEDE after Prospera.

Let’s make it possible to build floating communities where you can vote with your house, by floating away when the regulations no longer work for you. Donate today.