Gratitude for Our Volunteers

People are often surprised when they learn that The Seasteading Institute has only two staff members. We are able to do what we do because we have the support of volunteers.

This year, we launched our Classification Rules Development Project, a huge and complicated task for volunteers to conquer. And yet, our volunteers rose to the challenge!

For the first time, we are granting our Volunteer of the Year Award to Kirk R. Erichsen for his many hours of careful work on the Classification Rules Development Project. Not only did he edit many documents of specific rules, he also developed the technical writing process, style guide, and other resources for volunteers to use. Thank you, Kirk!

Our Classification Rules Development Project Volunteer team includes: Allen Crowley, Ari Fryxell, Atif Ali, Bence Kun, Bill Worsham, Charlie Deist, Daniel Burfoot, Dylan Tilley, Elma Caplin, Ioana Gheorghe, Kay Van Dyke, Kyle Williams, Dr. Marius Popa, Nicholas DeHaan, Paul Toensing, Steve Clancy and Thomas Aagaard. None of this would have happened without Derek Welch, our Project Lead.

Special thanks to Katie Chowne, who stepped up to volunteer as our Treasurer.

Our website team diligently works to make sure our website is beautiful, functional, and not too expensive. Our website volunteers this year were Matthew Fiorenza, Ervan Darnell, Mathis Hauville, and Julio Meza. Joe Christopher has been very responsive updating and consulting on our Google Analytics. They all work under the supervision of Spencer Flagg.

Bence Kun also helps with responding to public emails, for which I am eternally grateful.

Thank you to Margo Duesterhaus, Pete Abrams, and Cameron Newland for hosting Meetup events. Sadly, we closed our Meetup account because we did not have consistent attendance at our in-person events.

Thank you to John McCone and Diana Cates for sharing information about news related to seasteading and helping us with social media and blog content. Thank you to Benoit Robein for running the French Seasteaders Twitter account!

We’re so grateful for all our volunteers. If you would like to join this group, send an email to .
