As a small nonprofit, we rely on our volunteers to lead projects crucial to our mission. Our volunteers help us keep our website and wiki updated, design graphics for our online store and social media, and raise money. To volunteer with us, email .
Translate Videos and Social Media
We have a seasteading supporters all over the world. One Ambassador created the French Seasteaders Twitter. Volunteers have created Brazilian Instagram and Twitter accounts. Other volunteers have translated video captions to other languages on our YouTube channel. We especially need volunteers who can translate into Spanish.
If you are interested in translating, email .
Become an Editor for the Seasteading Wiki
Our Seasteading Wiki is a resource offering many solutions to the challenges of living on the sea. TSI encourages Seasteaders to add their good ideas to its wiki so that the ideas are visible, remembered and built upon.
Please create an account on the wiki and add your good ideas there.
In addition we need some volunteers to help edit and manage the wiki. Since Seasteaders tend to be highly responsible and respectful people, we expect very little oversight of the wiki to be needed, but we also want to protect the wiki against actual abuse, mediate rare disputes, etc.
We would also like help creating an editorial policy for the wiki. A starting point might be something like:
“Wiki editorial policy: In order to keep the wiki useful to the Seasteading community, all wiki users should respect other users and their ideas. Editors shouldn’t censor reasonable ideas that respect the rights of others, but should strongly disallow actual abuse.”
If you’d like to help edit the wiki please sign up!