
The Seasteading Institute April 2010 Newsletter

This month, April 15th marks the second anniversary of the creation of The Seasteading Institute. Over the past two years, our non-profit has grown from dreams of its founders into not just a tight-knit group internally, but a real movement with supporting donors and a dedicated membership who make their homes across the globe.

The Seasteading Institute March 2010 Newsletter

A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Even so, life is but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts. And the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching. Sivananda

The Seasteading Institute November 2009 Newsletter

At the Seasteading 2009 Conference, we were excited to unveil our new medium-term strategy, which we’ve dubbed The Poseidon Project. By 2015, TSI will create an independent seasteading community as the seed for the world’s first ocean city-state.

Seasteading 2009 Conference: Wrap-Up Newsletter

We at The Seasteading Institute would like to thank all of you for attending our second annual conference!  We had a wonderful time, and know that many of you did as well.  We’ve been very happy to hear how pleased you were with the event.

Seasteading 2009 Conference – Final Newsletter

As a reminder, Peter Thiel will be hosting the Monday Night opening cocktail reception. For those unable to make the main conference, tickets for this are currently available for $100 via the conference registration page, but it is almost full.

TSI August 2009 Newsletter

After many months of waiting and a round of questions, we have finally received our Letter of Determination from the IRS confirming our non-profit status. Press Release here.

TSI July 2009 newsletter

TSI needs your help. We have some great ideas about how to advance the vision of seasteading, but our financial resources are limited. We can’t depend on our single major donor forever, so we need to pull together as a community to independently fund important initiatives.