
Conference Wiki Signup

I made a wiki signup page for the conference (October 10th in Burlingame, CA, USA).  So far it’s just me on there, so please add yourselves :).  Also, we could use a couple more people to help organize and run the conference, if you are interested please email .


I’d like to use this blog partly for feedback on our ideas, but posts don’t seem to get a lot of comments.  If anyone is out there, can you comment on why that is?  :).  What changes would make you comment more?  Is it the subject matter, the interface, or something else?

More time for Seasteading

As many of you know, in addition to my responsibilities at TSI, I have a day job at Google.  Having two jobs has been stressful, especially with the lack of alignment in having my passions one place and my time another.  Therefore I have given notice at Google, and will be leaving at the end of July.