
The Seasteading / Video Game link continues

From the Brink website:

The Story

A man-made city at sea called the Ark, made up of hundreds of separate islands, is on the brink of all-out civil war. Originally built as an experimental self-sufficient and 100% “green” habitat, the reported rapid rise of the Earth’s oceans has forced the Ark to become a refuge for humanity.

Space Frontier Foundation

Hmm, this sounds familiar:

The Space Frontier Foundation is transforming space from a government-owned bureaucratic program into a dynamic and inclusive frontier open to all people. Our central goal is the large-scale permanent settlement of space. We believe people have the “right stuff’ and that everyone will benefit from opening the space frontier.

Those pirates, they sure will get you!

On Cheryl Cline’s acerbic and always amusing blog:

Permit me a little whining: why does everyone ask the same questions, and act as if they’re the first to ever think of such objections? Here’s a few examples…

Question: Seasteading—the idea of living on floating platforms and ships in the ocean—is a novel approach to starting new governments, or just to life in general. But won’t you be raped and killed by pirates?

Answer: I’m glad you asked.