Announcing the Crypto Cruise Ship
Update: “How the Grinch Stole the Cruise Ship” When you think of 2020, I want you to think of the number of people the first Crypto Cruise Ship can accommodate.… Read More »Announcing the Crypto Cruise Ship
Update: “How the Grinch Stole the Cruise Ship” When you think of 2020, I want you to think of the number of people the first Crypto Cruise Ship can accommodate.… Read More »Announcing the Crypto Cruise Ship
Elections in the U.S. are a winner-take-all, majority rules, losers have no say kind of game. With the U.S. Presidential election heating up, we’re hearing a lot about how important… Read More »Vote to Float
Join weekly discussions on the book, Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Restore the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians! Starting September 3.
The next season of the Seasteading Today podcast will begin on July 16, starting with a conversation with Dr. Mary Ruwart, author of Death by Regulation. Dr. Ruwart makes the… Read More »Coming soon! Season 3 of the Seasteading Today podcast
Talented seasteaders have a unique opportunity to be part of a TV show that has the potential to spread the ideals of seasteading to a wide audience.
Seasteaders in Florida are invited to join the new Florida Seasteading Meetup group. We’re launching the group with two events: February 20, Fort Myers, at 3 Pepper Burrito Company on… Read More »New Florida Meetup Group
Do you have a vision for how life will be for people living on seasteads in the near or distant future? Bring that vision to life in a novel!
Seasteaders Offer to Help Thailand With Rising Sea Levels San Francisco, April 22, 2019 — The chairman of the Seasteading Institute ( Patri Friedman, urged compassion for a couple whose… Read More »Floating Islands Leader Urges Leniency for Offshore Couple
One of the 8 Great Moral Imperatives of Seasteading is to Live in Balance with Nature, and in order to do that, cities must stop functioning as parasites and start functioning as symbionts.
The first single-family affordable seastead is floating in international waters, and it’s time to start learning from the new Masters. Chad, Nadia and Rudy are eager to teach you the basic skills to seastead in their neighborhood, like sailing, diving, and tying knots.