The Seasteading Institute

M.U.L.E. – steading

Peter Boothe writes about this classic computer game from the mid-80s:

a nonviolent economics game with both zero-sum and positive-sum aspects where people compete to be the best possible homesteaders in a scifi environment made me think of you. The game is quite fun, and I recommend it.

The game can be downloaded free, and played online. Enjoy!

Engineering talk

The talk I held at the 2009 Seasteading conference is up! Thanks everyone who was there, for the interesting discussions we have had afterwards.

Some comments on the then and now: I unfortunately no longer have the confidence in this concept I had back then, for the reasons explained below:


Ibsen on the sea

Michael Strong passes on a quote found by Patrick Peterson:

We ought to avail ourselves of the sea, building floating cities on it so that we can move southward or northward according to the time of year…. Some such happy state will come one day, though we shall not live to see it. P. 335 Note. #11

Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House and other Plays – Penguin Classics Edition, 1965, Translation (and notes) by Peter Watts.