Qualifying Entry for the Architectural Design Contest

Submitted by Mohit Natani (College of Architecture, SVIT-Vasad), Krishnanunni K. U (Govt engineering college, Thrissur), Anuradha gupta(Dr.Baliram Hiray college of Architecture, Mumbai), Faizal khan (IPS Academy, Indore), Mohit Natani (College of Architecture, SVIT-Vasad)
Design Description
The site platform was evolved from the Petals and arrangement of Lotus Flower.A core open space platform connects all the other branches and provides a Centre of activity.The core platform provides the city with greenery as well as epicenter of gathering pointof people.This park deliver us the urban space that is essentially needed by a city; A breathing space.The symmetry of platform linkage is maintained to enhance the stability of design.The central Platform provides green view to the blocks surrounding it such as Hotel, two-office and Apartment block.The platform pattern encourages water and platform transportation.Residential blocks were arranged in next ring and outer ring residential villas.This particular pattern allows residential blocks to disconnect easily without disturbing the other platforms.The residential Villas (Higher class) have the most privacy zone and it is within the reach of all amenities of Public zone and have an access to beautiful view of Ocean.The cantilevered decks are provided in all the terminal points of platform to capture the mesmerizing beauty of sunrise and sunset in ocean. The city is moved by semi-submersible ship.Dynamic Geography-The platform structures are connected with hinged or rigid joints, easy to move away; less swell than ‘Islands’.The proposed sea keeping and growth pattern development is ‘Break water’.
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