Business Member Freedom Haven seeking entrepreneurs

Join the Freedom Haven Initiative to build a free market community on a new Floating City on the high seas

The Freedom Haven Project is an ambitious, crowdsourced initiative aimed at creating a custom-designed mega container ship that will serve as a floating port city in international waters offering real socioeconomic freedom to all those who seek it.

Containers will be outfitted to serve as residential spaces or business spaces, either following provided templates or custom designs, however the owner chooses. Attached to the ship is an outrigger harbor structure for boats transporting people and goods, a gantry crane for imports, exports, and rearranging the existing containers, and an attachment for building new types of floating platforms to develop a variety of seasteading vessels.

The online community has drafted a Constitution for residents of the New Liberty vessel.

Ready for Phase 2

The goal for Phase 2 is to find various market groups willing to pay for space on the New Liberty Vessel. They are looking for visionary entrepreneurs, innovative thinkers, and businesses who wish to operate with minimal regulatory interference while contributing to a thriving, free-market society. – where the only laws are those that protect individual lives, freedom-of-movement, and property. Potential industries could include electronics assembly, medical products and services, data warehousing, and any other sector where the Free Market could out-compete more regulated environments.

Businesses that establish themselves on New Liberty will have the unique opportunity to offer jobs to those seeking opportunities beyond their home countries. The project aims to raise $20,000 by 2026 to support marketing efforts and the development of a detailed model for the New Liberty vessel.

Calling for volunteers

Freedom Haven needs volunteers to help boost the visibility of the project and help attract new supporters. Here are the volunteer positions they are seeking now:

  • Website Designer (WordPress)
    Transform the extensive information about our progress into an engaging and user-friendly website, making it easy for visitors to learn about our mission and stay updated.
  • Illustrator/Graphic Designer
    Create captivating visuals to showcase the New Liberty vessel across social media platforms and in presentation materials, helping to bring our vision to life.
  • Business Liaison

Tap into a vast pool of global talent, offering political refugees the chance for a better future (greater pay, better living conditions, and a brighter future building wealth in a free market) and offer businesses an opportunity to reduce costs (cheaper labor and no taxes) and overhead (fewer laws and regulations).

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Tony Olsen at 515-468-7364 or
