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For just $500 a year, align your brand with a pioneering movement and tap into $435 million of collective discretionary income. Our diverse community of entrepreneurial visionaries spans industries and income levels, united by a spirit of innovation.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Your logo proudly displayed on our home page.
  • Your logo displayed on the Business Directory, with company description, contact information, and link to your website. 
  • An interview on the Seasteading Today podcast.
  • Dedicated blog post one time per year.
  • Email Newsletter dedicated to your company one time per year.
  • Dedicated social media post, six times per year to Seasteading Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X-Twitter).
  • Discount on additional emails and advertising.

Learn more about the seasteading audience and membership benefits.

Supercharge brand awareness as you support a transformative cause. Become a valued member today!

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