THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 3: Lifting the Stead

The hits keep coming for our seasteaders, Chad and Nadia, as they work to lift the platform on to the spar.

In Episode 3: Lifting the Stead, carefully made plans are demolished by uncooperative, underwater structures.

(Directed by: Joe Quirk)

Learn more about the first seastead at

Don’t miss any episodes in The First Seasteaders series:

THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 1: Facing the Storm 

THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 2: Raising the Spar 

THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 3: Lifting the Stead

THE FIRST SEASTEAD 4: Living the Life

THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 5: Training the Mentors (Coming Soon!)

THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 6: Fleeing the Death Threat

THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 7: Spotted, Chased by a Helicopter

THE FIRST SEASTEADERS 8: “Today is D-Day for The Thai Navy”
